At this time, there was a noise outside, "sorry, madam, you can't go in. Mr. Gu told us not to let you see the bride. It's very difficult for us to do that."

"Presumptuous!" Gu's wife Wen Lan's cold voice came, "I'm the mother of President Gu. Can't I see the daughter-in-law my son wants to marry? I see who dares to stop me today

With a bang, the door of the bride's dressing room was directly opened.

Wenlan comes in with a wheelchair.

The staff at the back looked at Ye Ling in embarrassment, "Mrs. Gu..."

Ye Ling, who was called "Mrs. Gu" for the first time, was not quite used to it. Her dark eyes looked at her faintly, "it's OK, you go down."

Gu Yejin's subordinates are very cautious, so these staff dare not really go down, "Mrs. Gu, then we will stand outside the door, if you have something to say to us, Mr. Gu will welcome guests outside."

The staff went out.

Now there are only Ye Ling and Wen Lan left in the bride's dressing room. Wen Lan can't hide her disgust and hatred for Ye Ling any more. "Ye Ling, you don't want to be shameful, your mommy.". Lead my husband, now you want to marry my son again, I want to take off your wedding dress! "

Ye Ling straightened the skirt of the wedding dress and then got up. She came to Wen Lan and said with a smile, "Mrs. Gu, I think you are wrong. My wedding dress is not what I want to wear, but what your son forced me to wear. I'd like to be your son's lover. Woman, but your son insisted on giving me the title of Mrs. Gu. Mrs. Gu, what can I do if I am a weak woman with no power to bind a chicken? "

Wenlan's face has been distorted. She remembers that Ye Ling was very clever and obedient when she was young. In her acrimonious curse, she would only keep her little self in the room and dare not come out timidly.

Now Ye Ling has grown up with thorns all over his body and sharp teeth.

"Mrs. Gu, I sympathize with you. Do you know where your failure is?"

"You're always making the same mistake, your husband. Track, you hate only my mommy, your son is not obedient, want to marry me, you find only me, as if I and my mommy disappeared, you are happy, in fact, one is your husband, one is your son, can't you discipline them, women's happiness is never given by others, but should be in the palm of your hand

"You are domineering on the surface, but in fact you are cowardly. You are very painful, but you don't have the courage to stop in time. You are always complaining and hating others. The daughter of the Wen family has become a dark and twisted old lady. Who is to blame? I don't think you can blame anyone, because it's you who made yourself look like you are now. "

Wenlan directly froze, she looked at Ye Ling, she can't understand what ye Ling is saying.

Soon she responded, two hands into a fist, her emotional roar, "Ye Ling, what are you, what right do you have to tell me about my life?"

Ye Ling light looking at her, red lips hook out lazy arc, she pick eyebrow way, "Gu madam, you urgent, what are you anxious?"


"shh." Ye Ling suddenly put her finger on her lips and made a silent movement. She said with a smile, "Madam Gu, listen, what sound do you hear?"

Wenlan seems to be bewitched, she immediately hold her breath to listen, but she did not hear any voice.

"Mrs. Gu, do you hear it? It's the sound of dream breaking. What you're good at these years is self deception. They say that we can't wake up a person who pretends to sleep. Today, I'm going to break the dream you've made for yourself. It's time for you to wake up, Wenlan!"

Ye Ling in the last few words, especially "Wenlan" these two words suddenly sharp voice, Wenlan only feel a gust of wind and rain to her attack, at this moment, she unexpectedly from the four limbs in a cold, from the future of ignorance and panic let her inexplicably shiver.

Wen Lan looks at Ye Ling in shock and confusion. What is she going to do at this wedding? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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