Every time he saw her in the future, he had to step back to the distance beyond ten steps...

GU Yejin's handsome face was always light, but now he had obvious changes in expression. His lips were clasping and laughing, and his white teeth were like the cold fangs of wild animals.

He stopped and raised his hands indifferently. "OK, I won't step forward. Is that ok?"

Then his eyes passed over the lawyer and fell on Ye Ling's small face. The top of his heroic brow picked up. He said with a smile, "Ling Ling, do you think this protection order can stop me? Then you really don't know me

He's lazy and evil now. He's very dangerous. Sometimes Ye Ling thinks he's born anti bony and dark and evil.

Today's wedding has torn his face. If he doesn't take the opportunity to crush him, I don't know how he will fight back against her in the future.

Ye Ling raised her hand and tucked a wisp of hair behind her ears. "Mr. Gu, you'd better think about how to deal with the aftermath. Your mother is in a coma and goes to the hospital, and your father can't think about it. As for your grandfather, I haven't finished with him yet, and you, Mr. Gu, are trapped. Adultery and sex change. State scandal, the image of a sudden fell to the bottom, the public opinion outside has been brewing so much, coupled with my own flow of fuel, do you think you can retreat? "

"I'll talk about it later. I'm looking forward to how Gu always stands up."

Gu Yejin looks at Ye Ling's eyes. Her eyes are still clear and shining, but there is no love for him in them. In her eyes, he has become... A caretaker, a caretaker she hates.

He didn't know when she began to calculate. He knew her very well. She was not her best friend Xia Xiwan. In fact, she was not good at scheming. The girl he held in his hand was a little silly.

He didn't know until now that she could also hold a knife. Her hand holding a knife was very stable, and it could be fatal if she raised it and fell it.

Gu Yejin slowly raised his thin lips. His low voice was flat without any ups and downs, like a simple statement, "Ling Ling, I said, you can't get rid of me."

"If we can get rid of it, we'll find out after we try. Let's go." Ye Ling turns to leave with the lawyer.

Gu Yejin stands in the same place and looks at Ye Ling. The pretty shadow disappears in her sight. The bride leaves and the whole banquet hall explodes. Gu Yejin doesn't move. She just looks at Ye Ling's figure quietly in the surging crowd.

She left in her wedding dress without hesitation and without looking back.


in the hospital.

Wenlan into the VIP ward, she is not awake, is infusion.

Gu Yejin sits on the bench in the corridor, where the light is very dark, and gives a layer of dark color to his handsome facial features.

At this time, the private secretary came with a dignified face, and Hui reported, "president, today... Miss ye made such a fuss at the wedding, it's just a storm in the city. Now the hot search on microblog can't be suppressed, and the outside world is talking about it. President, your personal image and the reputation of Gu's group have encountered a great crisis. The company's stock fluctuates again and again, and people are in a panic."

"The president, Miss Ye's move is too cruel. She set a trap for you to drill. First she threw out her pregnancy and abortion to drain, and then she said you were seduced at the Shengshi wedding. Rape her, not to mention that she is a superstar, anyone who gets involved in this kind of news will never be able to get rid of it. Now everyone is talking about the president, you... You are a psychological change. The voice of the private secretary was getting smaller and smaller, and he didn't dare to go on.

Gu Yejin eyebrow heartbeat for a while, and then a faint look at the private secretary, "what Miss ye, you do not change now?"

What do you mean when the private secretary is confused?

"She's my Mrs. Gu now." Gu Yejin said.

"... President... President, did you forget that the wedding was not finished..."

"it's OK, she will be my Mrs. Gu soon."

The private secretary looks at his president. He can't see what he is thinking.

"President, where's your father?"

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