On the hanger of the office hung the nurse's clothes that the nurse had just taken off. Ye Ling took off her overcoat, put on the white nurse's clothes, put on her hat and mask, and then went out with a book.

All the way unimpeded, because ye Ling paralyzed everyone's nerves, let them relax their vigilance, small hands on the ICU door, "Ta" sound, push the door.

Ye Ling came to the hospital bed step by step. She was very close to the person lying on the bed.



Her heart is beating.

She didn't know what she was nervous about.

The small face under the mask is pale like a piece of paper. The hands, feet and bones of the whole body are cold, cold like ice.

She's here to reveal.

She wanted to see for herself if the man on the bed was her brother.

Gu Yejin...

this name suddenly pops up in Ye Ling's mind. Gu Yejin, please, please be kind to me, OK?

Don't cheat me, don't let me down, OK?

She has only her brother...

without her brother, she doesn't know what she will do next.

Ye Ling stops. She looks at the patient on the bed who is full of tubes. His face is covered and can't see clearly.

Ye Ling slowly raised his little hand and uncovered the white gauze on the patient's face.

She saw it.

A very strange face jumped into her sight.

It's not my brother.

Oh, it's not really her brother!

That is her favorite brother, even if the brother changed a face, turned into ash, she can recognize the brother at a glance, this person, he is not the brother!

Gu Yejin.

Gu Yejin cheated her after all!

Ye Ling trembled. She felt that her eyes were burning hot, as if they were burned by some fireball. There was something in her eyes, but nothing fell down.

She should have cried.

But she couldn't cry.


Ye Ling didn't know how she left the hospital. She took a taxi, sat numbly in the back seat, her head against the window, and looked at the city's flying scenery in a dazed and empty way. She was totally lost.

At this time, the mobile phone rang again, and there was a short message.

It's from Mr. Gu.

Ye Ling, open the door, Mr. Gu --- Ye Ling, what are you thinking about? Your brother Ye Ming died long ago. He died in an explosion, and there was no body left.

---I've been to the scene with my own eyes. There's a lot of blood on the scene. It's all your brother's blood. Oh, by the way, I also saw a doll left in the pool of blood.

Gu sent a picture, which is Ye Ling's favorite doll.

However, the doll was stained with dust, and a lot of blood was left on the ground.

Daddy and mummy died in a car accident. My brother returned home secretly and brought her her favorite doll.

Ye Ling slowly bent her knees and buried her little face in her knees. She had nothing left. Her world collapsed at the moment.

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