Xiao Cheng...

Ye Ling recites the name in her heart.

Gu Yejin observes Ye Ling's face, and sees that she is a little desperate when she hears the name of "Xiao Cheng". Obviously, her mind runs to Xiao Cheng, and he suddenly squints his dangerous black eyes.

Gu family is also a serious businessman. He has no business with Xiao family in Hong Kong, so he is not familiar with Xiao city.

Gu Yejin is curious about how his wife Gu colluded with Xiao Cheng.

Cold black eyes surging out a bit of cold displeasure, Gu Yejin restrained his temper, "it doesn't matter if you don't say, I will send someone to check, Mrs. Gu, you'd better not let me catch something, otherwise... You know my means, eh?"

Ye Ling doesn't speak. She wants to find out about Xiao Cheng herself.

Gu Yejin's big hand fell on her slender waist and held her on her strong thigh. "Are you hungry? Have some soup first

Soup again.

Now when it comes to the word "soup", Ye Ling has a bit of nausea.

Gu Yejin opened the stew, which is like abalone glue, not greasy, a delicious taste, is her usual taste.

Holding a small spoon scooped a mouthful, Gu Yejin personally fed her mouth, "mouth."

Ye Ling didn't want to eat, but he didn't dare to refuse directly. He was Gu Yejin, who couldn't refuse. "It's so hot. Blow it."

She pushed his big hand, a little delicate.

Gu Yejin see her some coquetry means, also connived at her, he tasted a, "not hot ah, less nonsense, quick mouth."

Ye Ling looked at him and blinked at Yu Jie. "Just now... Did you take the first bite?"

Gu Yejin, "..."

"shouldn't the first bite be left for me?"


"you really don't have me in your heart. Hum, I won't eat it. You can eat it yourself." Ye Ling pushed him away and was about to leave.

Gu Yejin hooped her soft waist and directly pulled her back to her arms. He fed the soup in the spoon to her mouth. "Are you a good actor? Put that away. I can't eat it! "

"..." Ye Ling, who was caught off guard, felt that he was really the boss.

Ye Ling had a bad appetite, and she was pregnant and began to respond to pregnancy and vomiting. She didn't have a good meal these two days, so she refused the soup, but her stomach cried twice, and the baby inside seemed to remind her that it's time to eat, Mommy.

Ye Ling took a bite, and Gu Yejin gave her a second. Ye Ling put her little hand on her flat abdomen and gently touched it I took two.

Her unconscious action immediately attracted Gu Yejin's eyes. He asked in a low voice, "what's the matter? Does the stomach hurt again?"

His broad palm immediately covered up, fell on her abdomen, gently circled.

The bottom of Ye Ling's heart rippled circle after circle. His tenderness and love were like a stone thrown on the surface of a calm lake. She slowly raised her two little hands and hugged Gu Yejin's neck.

She put her face around his neck and rubbed it like a baby cat.

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