Xiao Cheng wanted to release his hand, but then his ears suddenly moved and someone came outside.

It was Xiao Si who went back.

When Xiao Si came, his hands outside the door quickly said, "four..."

the voice of "fourth brother" had not yet come out. Xiao Si quickly put his finger on his lips and made a "Shh" movement.

The men were silent at once.

Xiao Si stood by the door quietly. He peeped through the crack of the door.

Xiao Cheng has noticed it, but Su Xiaotang doesn't. She just wants to distance herself from him.

"Go away... Well!"

Su Xiaotang's mouth is directly blocked by Xiao Cheng.

Both of them didn't close their eyes. Xiao Cheng didn't feel confused. He looked at the girl in his arms. She was frightened. Her eyes turned black. The purity of a 19-year-old girl was incomparable.

Her lips are still very soft, with a little aroma, like jelly, people can't help but want more.

Xiaocheng Junlang's face flashed a trace of unnatural, he raised his big hand, covered her eyes, "cry."


Su Xiaotang is ignorant, completely does not understand.

"No? Never had a boyfriend before? " Xiao Cheng asked in a low voice.

Su Xiaotang still didn't respond.

At this time, Xiao Cheng put her against the wall, put his big hand down, reached out from the corner of her blue and white striped coat, wrapped her and pinched her.


Su Xiaotang exclaimed and immediately raised his hand to push him.

"What's your name? I haven't got to the point yet. " Xiao Cheng scolded rudely, then put her around her soft waist and pushed her down on the hospital bed. A wonderful play will be staged soon.

Xiao Si outside the door drew back his eyes and stopped looking, because he didn't see anything suspicious.

"Fourth brother, it's not good to peep like this. The city master will be angry when he knows." What are you doing.

Xiao Si patted the man on the shoulder. "Your city master is very angry. I can't wait to get him in the ward. Ha ha, don't tell him I've been here. I'm gone."

Xiao Si really left this time.

Xiao Cheng has been listening to the movement outside the door. When Xiao Si leaves, the coldness and alertness in his eyes gradually dissipate. At this time, Su Xiaotang suddenly raises his leg and pushes against his crotch.

Who is Xiao Cheng? How can su Xiaotang succeed? He has to protect his little brother when he is with this cat.

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