When Lu Hanting came out, the women didn't dare to make a sound. They could only cover their injured faces and go back to their homes and find their mothers.

These women are quite unconvinced, "what Nan Wan Bei Ling, I think they are a pair of shrews, hiss, beat me very painful."

"That's right. I'm really angry. I can't do it. I want to sue them and falsely accuse them. Anyway, they have plenty of money. One husband is Lu Hanting, and the other husband is Gu Yejin. They are all good money owners."

Speaking of these two men, these women jealously pinch their nails into the palm of their hands. They all say that women want to be independent or something. But when they marry Lu Hanting or Gu Yejin, they throw their lives out of the world. They can't fight for their husbands.

At this time, a black van "brush" opened, the door opened, inside came a group of black bodyguards.

"You... Who are you?" Looking at these fierce bodyguards, several women were scared and turned around to run.

But they can't run away. These tough black bodyguards have trapped them for a long time. "You said something you shouldn't say and offended some people you shouldn't offend, so someone asked us to take good care of you."

What... What do you mean?

Several women have not yet reacted, the black bodyguard has raised his hand, to their face on the hard fan down.

Pop, pop.

The applause of lianhuanba rang out heavily. The bodyguards in black were very heavy. After fighting like this, the women's faces soon swelled up, and the corners of their mouths also spilled blood.

They fell to the ground and begged for mercy.

"This is a little lesson for you. Don't hit the gun again next time. By the way, this is your medical expenses."

The bodyguard in black took out a bunch of money, threw it into the air, and drove away.

Red grandfather Mao danced in the air, and then fell on them. These women shivered and looked at the arrogant and crazy shadow of the van. It was just... Local ruffians. The behavior of hooligans.

They guessed, it must be... Gu Yejin!

These are the people sent by Gu Yejin.

They fight with Ye Ling, which is known by Gu Yejin after all. Compared with Lu Hanting's noble boss, Gu Yejin is an absolute rogue, which is what he can do.


in the ward.

Gu Yejin single handed copy trouser pocket, he received a private secretary's call, those women have learned a lesson.

At this time, two small hands stretched out from behind, hugged his lean waist, "Mr. Gu, who are you calling?"

It's Ye Ling.

Gu Yejin received the mobile phone, light way, "the company out of a little thing, I have dealt with."

He didn't want Ye Ling to know this. He didn't want her to see the dirty and dark side. She just had to face the sunshine.

Ye Ling was dubious, "really? Mr. Gu, I found that you like to use the company as an excuse for lying recently... "

with that, her little hand climbed down his lean waist and began to feel uneasy again.

Gu Yejin grabbed her little hand and turned around, "what are you doing, eh?"

Ye Ling raised her two little hands to his chest, pushed him back, and pushed him directly to the wall. Her soft eyes looked at him, "I want to make sure of something"

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