Ye Ling raises her head, and Gu Yejin's beautiful face is magnified wirelessly in her sight. He doesn't know when he has come to her. Now he is looking at her from a commanding position in his pants pocket.

The two bosses said with a smile,

--- Gu Shao, are you here?

---You can see Gu Shao in the place where ye Meiren is.

---Gu Shao, we just said that if ye Meiren loses the card game, you must pay for it.

Gu Yejin took out the big hand in the trouser pocket and propped it on the chair handle behind Ye Ling. He looked at Ye Ling softly, "play casually, I'll pay the bill."

Ye Ling blinked at Yu Jie like a fan. "Elder brother, I've made money now, and I can pay for it myself. In the future, my brother should pay for my sister-in-law. After all, my sister is an outsider, and I will find the one who will pay for me."

Listening to this, Gu Yejin's cold black eyes quickly went down.

---Ha ha, Gu Shao, ye Meiren, this is a division with you.

---After all, ye Meimei grows up and wants to fall in love.

---Take a look. This sister can't stay. Sooner or later, she will become someone else.

Ye Ling didn't look at the man around her. She put her eyes on the card in her hand.

At this time, huoxize came over and said, "Ye Jin, your birthday today, let's have a good entertainment. The cat girls I prepared for you have spent a lot of time rehearsing a dance. Now I'm going to dance for you."

Gu Yejin withdrew her eyes from Ye Ling's body and returned to the sofa. There was not much expression on his beautiful face, but the whole person was cold and covered with frost.

At this time, everyone yelled, "Huo Shao, what are you waiting for? Please come out and dance quickly!"

Hosizer snapped his finger, and the cat girls came on, and the front one was Huo Xuan.

Huo Xuan has already changed her dancing dress. She has a good figure. Now she looks at Gu Yejin with her front protruding and back warping.

Hosizer didn't expect his sister to come in. He rolled his eyes directly.

Ye Ling also saw Huo Xuan, and then she turned to look at Gu Yejin on the sofa. "Brother, I think these cat girls have a special love for you. So, who can dance well, I'll reward her tonight."

Gu Yejin looked at Ye Ling, and her crimson lips drew up a thin and cool arc, "how do you want to reward?"

"Brother, where's your room card? Who's the best dancer tonight, you'll reward her with your room card."

Everyone quickly yelled,

- --- Ye Meiren's proposal is good. Gu Shao is single up to now. This man with high blood is afraid that his health will be out of order after being single for so long.

---If you dance well, who is the best? Go to Gu Shao's room tonight. Gu Shao has his own reward.

Gu Yejin took out a cigarette and lit it faintly. He took a puff of smoke. He looked at the direction of Ye Ling and slowly vomited out a mouthful of smoke in his mouth. "OK, the room is stuck in my trouser pocket. Come and get it."

Ye Ling

"Why, don't you want me to play with them? How can you come and get a room card?" With Gu Yejin's cold black eyes, she looked at those cat girls, and said with a smile, "you see, it's not that I don't want to play with you, but this room card can't be taken out. Although my sister says that she wants me to play with you, she is not willing to

Huo Xuan immediately takes a look at Ye Ling angrily. She also feels that Ye Ling is not consistent with what he is saying. She does not want Gu Yejin to contact other women. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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