He didn't say anything. Ye Ling felt that there was a crack in her heart, which spread to her heart.

"Take me to the hospital tomorrow. I want to see Wan."

After a long silence, she heard his voice, "yes."


in the hospital.

Ye Ling's inspection reports came out, and the nurse handed the report to Gu Yejin.

Gu Yejin looked at the list in the nurse's hand, but didn't answer it.

The nurse comforted and said with a smile, "Mr. Gu, don't be nervous. Your wife is very healthy, and your baby is also very healthy. There is no problem."

At this time, Ye Ling is sitting on the corridor bench. She blinks a pair of beautiful eyes and looks over. She is very soft.

Gu Yejin reaches for the report.

Carefully read the report, Ye Ling's body is no problem, but his beautiful face has been cold inch by inch, no problem is the biggest problem.

Take out mobile phone from trouser pocket, he calls Xia Xiwan.

Xia Xiwan still has a report sheet in his hand.

The phone is soon connected, is Xia Xiwan's voice, "Hello, Gu Zong."

Gu Yejin wiped her trousers pocket with her left hand and touched two. She wanted to touch cigarettes and lighters. When he was upset, he liked to order two.

But did not touch, he remembered that he had quit smoking, Ye Ling pregnant, where can he smoke?

"Hello," Gu Yejin raised her thin lips. Her voice was flat, but she was not in mood. At his age, what he was proud of was probably his self-control. "Has Lingling's last report come out?"

"Come out, in my hand, as I said, Ling Ling's mental illness broke out."

"How can she have mental illness? Is it because of her brother?"

"No, Ling Ling's mental illness did not exist now, but existed a long time ago."

"What?" Gu Yejin frowned a handsome eyebrow.

Xia Xiwan said slowly, "Lingling's mental illness came as early as 18 years old. Mr. Gu, you are so smart that you should think that... Lingling's mental illness is because of... You."

"You will never know what kind of pain you have brought to Lingling. The shadow you left made her unable to get pregnant for a time, even cold, repulsive and fearful. You will never know how much Lingling loves you. Because she loves you, she feels sorry for her father, mummy. She is so oppressed every day that brother ye once took Lingling away when he came back No matter from the point of view of my best friend or doctor, I agree that Lingling leaves you and starts a new life. However, Lingling still chooses to stay and stay with you. "

"She hasn't been well all these years, and the disease has been repeated. She's just like this when she's around you. She heals her scarred and full of holes, and breaks her just healed."

Gu Yejin's eyes always fall on Ye Ling's body in front of her. She has lowered her head and looked at the ground. She is a little lonely.

Gu Yejin thinks that she is still the girl he saw outside Ye's house for many years, but in a trance, it seems that she is not anymore. She has no sunshine.

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