"Don't get close to me, don't touch me... Daddy and Mommy, I don't want him, I dare not want him, you forgive me... Brother, you take me away... I beg you, take me away..."

GU Yejin held her tightly in her arms, and her handsome face was deeply buried in her long hair, "Lingling, don't do this..."

at this time, Ye Ling's soft little hand touched her "Daddy and mummy, do you blame me for having his baby... Wuwu, this child shouldn't come, it's selfish... Daddy and mummy, I don't want to have a baby now, I just want to be your daughter, you can take me away..."

Ye Ling clenched her fist and began to smash her belly again and again.

Gu Yejin's black pupil is contracting violently, he almost low roars to hold her fist, "Ling Ling!"

Holding her small fist in his palm, he put her trembling body around his arm and pressed her into his arms, "Lingling, don't... Don't, I beg you..."

he was disorderly kissing her half face buried in the pillow, he was in a panic, in pain, almost humbly begging.

"Lingling, please don't hurt our children, he is innocent... He has suffered so many hardships with us, but he didn't give up on us. You are his mommy, how can you give up on him, how can you don't want him..."

Ye Ling is struggling, and she suddenly pushes him away, and she wants to get out of bed with her hands and feet, "Daddy, Mommy, where are you Where, Wuwu, I don't want anything, please take me away...

GU Yejin was pushed away, his back hit the head of the bed, he looked at the woman who was going crazy, his eyes were burning red.

He believed that it was so difficult to fall in love.

Gu Yejin stretched out her hand to open the bed cabinet. There were two syringes in the drawer. It was Xia Xiwan who gave them to him.

Xia Xiwan said on the phone that these two injections were the last time for him.

Ye Ling is not alone now. She is pregnant. She can't use medicine at all. The two injections are counting down.

Gu Yejin fingertips shaking picked up a dose of needle, he is no way ah.

She is still pregnant with a baby. Where can I use a needle?

But what can he do without a needle and watch her take the baby away?

Gu Yejin closed her eyes and hugged Ye Ling. He asked her to lie on his thigh, and then he put the long needle in quickly and fiercely with her fiber arm.

"Ah Ye Ling screamed and opened her mouth to bite his thigh.

Time seems to be fixed. The room is so quiet that you can hear the winter wind outside the window. Just now, the fierce woman bit his thigh and did not move.

Gu Yejin pulled out the needle and threw it on the carpet. There was blood seeping out of the place where she was biting. It was probably painful, but it was not as painful as his heart.

When he reached out his hands, he found that he was trembling. He shook away her messy hair on her face, and then lifted her into his arms. "Lingling, does needling hurt very much... Sorry, really sorry... I don't know how to do it, please teach me how to do it..."

"ouch", Ye Ling vomited out in his arms.

There was a smell of blood in her mouth. She vomited all the bitter water left in her stomach.

Gu Yejin slaps her back in a hurry. Every sin she suffers now is like a whip beating his soul. He is more painful than her.

Ye Ling finally stopped vomiting, because she couldn't vomit any more. The retching choked the tears on her face. Gu Yejin fished her into her arms. Her whole body was like coming from the sea, and her pajamas were all wet through.

He picked her up and sent her to the bathroom. He put warm water in the bath. He held her in his arms and washed her hair first.

She was so small and soft that she was lying in his arms, like a little girl in her arms. She was so soft that she had no bones. She closed her eyes and exhausted her energy, which made her even have no strength to open her eyes. She tooted her pink lips and talked to him softly, "want to sleep... Want to sleep..."

she didn't want him to wash her hair or touch her. She was so tired that she just wanted to sleep.

Gu Yejin droops her eyes and looks at her Dudu Nuo. At the moment, she is like a coquetry, making his heart crisp and soft.

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