If she punishes him, she will lose him.

Gu Yejin's thin lips fell on Ye Ling's little hand, rubbing and kissing. Then he knew that she could be so cruel.

She said before, don't let her know that he loves her, now she knows, so she took herself as a blade, ruthlessly pierced his heart.

Gu Yejin kisses her and then says in a hoarse voice, "Lingling, whatever you do, I'll enjoy it."


Ye Ling wakes up, but the situation is getting worse. When she sleeps in bed every day, she has no strength to open her eyes, and she doesn't want to.

Gu Yejin doesn't go anywhere with her every day. She can't eat at first. Gu Yejin will prepare delicious food for her in different ways, and then feed her with spoon by spoon. She is very good. When he feeds her, she will eat it, but just swallow it, she will spit it out.

Xia Xiwan came every day, but her face became more dignified.

Ye Ling doesn't like to bask in the sun. It's almost repulsive. Whenever Gu Yejin opens the curtain, she wakes up and struggles restlessly in bed. So this winter they all spend in the dark. The bedroom is not ventilated and the sun is blocked. It's quiet with suffocating pressure.

Ye Ling can't eat. Xia Xiwan infuses nutrition liquid to her every day. Later, Gu Yejin learns how to prick needles by herself. He comes to prick needles every day, and his fear is known by himself.

The only gratifying thing is that the child is very tenacious, but he is growing up in spite of mummy's death. The little guy is very healthy.

That night, Ye Ling opened her eyes in a daze. She had a splitting headache and felt uncomfortable all over. Her little hand reached out to touch the bedside, but no one was there.

She struggled to sit up, lifted the quilt out of bed, she did not wear slippers, barefoot on the soft thick carpet, she wanted to find Gu Yejin.

After walking a few steps, she heard a slight noise in the bathroom. She went to the bathroom. The door of the bathroom was open. Gu Yejin was standing by the bathroom to wash clothes.

The man wore a blue thin sweater, under the dark casual trousers, he has always been like this, clean and simple with his handsome style.

, a pink bowl stood by the washing table. He was washing with her underwear in his hand, and the bubbles came out of his hands. There was a dim light in the shower room, so that his quiet figure was so lonely.

When ye Ling looked at it, she felt that her cheek was moist. She reached out to touch it with tears on her face.

She was already in tears.

Gu Yejin suddenly turned around and saw her. He threw down his clothes, rushed to his hands, pulled out his long legs and said, "how can I get out of bed? Is it not cold to be barefoot? How to do with a cold? "

He picked her up horizontally and sent her to the soft big bed.

Ye Ling lies back in the big bed again. He reaches for the quilt and covers her tightly. He frowns tightly. There is a reproach in his soft voice. "Just ask me what you want to do. I'm just washing clothes. I'll come downstairs to cook for you later. We'll have a try again. You'll...

his voice stops suddenly, because there are soft fingers coming to his locked door Eyebrow heart, ear reverberates her gentle voice, "husband, don't frown."

Gu Yejin whole shock, a pair of black eyes tightly locked her.

What did she call him?


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