In half a month, she recovered well. The little guy survived in her stomach again, but she didn't recover her memory. She still forgot things and people.

One morning.

Gu Yejin prepares breakfast in the kitchen. He goes up the stairs to call Ye Ling.

Halfway up the stairs, the bedroom door opened and Ye Ling came out with her bag.

Gu Yejin's handsome face immediately showed a smile, "old..."

this "wife" did not cry out, but in exchange for Ye Ling's scream, "ah, who are you? Why are you in my home?"

Gu Yejin's tall body is shocked. He knows that this day is coming. Ye Ling has forgotten him.

She no longer knew who he was.

Ye Ling is shocked. When she wakes up, it's 7:30. She remembers that she is going to the production team to make a film. Unexpectedly, she meets this stranger as soon as she opens the door.

She will block the bag in front of the body, a pair of Mei Mou alert stare at him.

Gu Yejin seriously looked at her two eyes, her eyes are strange, today, she finally forgot him.

Gu Yejin has no expression. He turns around and rubs down the stairs. He walks into the restaurant and says softly, "come and have breakfast."

Ye Ling followed, "who are you?"

"I'm your... Co tenant."


Ye Ling immediately picked Liu Mei. "I'm a popular actress, and I've been reduced to sharing with others? Am I not red

Ye Ling thinks that this man is very strange. She was born here and shouldn't stay long. After all, she is so beautiful. She is a man. When she sees her, she will think. For the sake of safety, she quickly leaves the apartment.


when she walked out of the apartment and walked to the street, Ye Ling was stunned. She twisted her head in all directions. Where is she going?

She forgot where to go and what to do.

At this time, a silver gray Maybach was slowly driving up the street. Gu Yejin looked at the little woman in front of her through the window. In winter, she was wearing a white cotton padded jacket, black tights below, and a beautiful satchel on her shoulder. She was clean and soft.

In the past half a month, she has been raised well by him and recovered a little.

However, her small stomach is still flat, and did not show the bosom.

He didn't worry that her trousers were too tight. The clothes in the cloakroom were all prepared by him, and the waist and abdomen had adjustable buttons.

Just he looked at her now, her heart was stung hard, how confused she was, staring at the same place, hanging a small head, now she was like a little girl who was left on the street, I don't know where the road is.

Gu Yejin hit the steering wheel and slowly stopped the car in front of her.

The window slid down and he said, "get in."

Hearing someone speak, Ye Ling looks up at Gu Yejin, her eyes are blank and puzzled, "who are you? Are you talking to me? "

Gu Yejin's whole heart sank. She had seen him in her apartment ten minutes ago, but now she forgot.

Gu Yejin was silent for two seconds, then said, "don't you want to go to the cast? I'll take you

On hearing the word "crew", Ye Ling immediately patted her head. Yes, she was going to the crew. How could she forget? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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