"OK, OK, let's go in now." Sister Hua takes Ye Ling into the production group.


in the cast.

Gu Yejin also followed. He can't leave Ye Ling for 24 hours now.

Ye Ling tries the play with Director Wang inside. He sits on the sofa outside and waits.

He felt sleepy, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Then someone came up and said, "Miss Fan, why are you here?"

Fan Chengcheng quickly made a "shush" gesture to ask others not to speak.

Here comes fan Chengcheng.

Fan Chengcheng looks at the sleeping Gu Yejin, and then takes a blanket to cover him gently.

Fan Cheng bent over and approached Gu Yejin's face.

She knows him, Gu Yejin, the richest man in Haicheng.

He is really handsome, just like she saw him at the door of fan's house for the first time. Although his facial features are much thinner than those of the previous two months, because of this, his angular facial features are more and more profound and three-dimensional, his sword eyebrows are at the temples, and his nose is like a mountain peak, which makes people unable to move their eyes.

He's really sleepy. He's tired during this period of time. There's a shallow dark blue at the moment. He doesn't snore like other men when he sleeps. His breathing is shallow. The two rows of curled eyelashes, like brushes, are quiet and meaningful.

Today, he was wearing a dark blue tweed coat and black trousers. When he was sleeping, his two long legs were overlapped. The trousers cut like a blade from the side made a beautiful sharp arc. On his feet, he had a pair of hand-made black shoes with black cotton stockings inside.

This is a man who has a high-grade pursuit of life. He is like a piece of first-class jade. He is beautiful and gentle, with a lustre that makes women obsessed.

Fan Chengcheng felt his heart beat faster. She gently covered his strong shoulder with the blanket.

She wanted to withdraw her hand, but the man woke up with a start. "Wife..." he reached out and clasped her wrist.

Fan Chengcheng was stiff, "Gu... President Gu..."

GU Yejin opened his eyes. He thought it was Ye Ling, and his black eyes were full of tenderness. When he saw it was her, Gu Yejin quickly released her hand, and the softness and temperature in her eyes disappeared with it. His thin lips moved, and he said, "sorry, I thought it was my wife."

Fan Chengcheng stood up straight and stepped back two steps. "It's OK, it's OK, Mr. Gu. I heard that sister Lingling came out to film, so I came to visit sister Lingling."

Fan Chengcheng's face is red.

His wrists and his body temperature are clean and warm.

Gu Yejin stood up and wiped her right hand in her trouser pocket

"Yes, sister Lingling seems to have forgotten her words. Just now, Wang daon has been on the machine many times."

Said Fan Cheng Cheng's eyes fell on Gu Yejin's left hand, Gu Yejin left ring finger with a wedding ring.

Classic and generous style, which is inlaid with a bright diamond, low-key show luxury.

Fan Chengcheng knows that Gu Yejin and Ye Ling are married, and her ears resound with his "wife". It's hard to imagine what it's like for a man like him to spoil his wife?

How happy his wife should be.

I didn't expect that Gu Yejin, the richest man in Haicheng, has become a good husband now.

At this time, Ye Ling came out. She saw Fan Cheng Cheng, "Cheng Cheng, how can you be here?"

"Sister Lingling, I come to see you." Fan Chengcheng said with a sweet smile.

Gu Yejin quickly frowned, a little unhappy.

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