This gentleman...

GU Yejin knows that she has forgotten him.

"You're welcome," he said

At this time, Xia Xiwan came over, "Ling Ling."

"Wan Wan, is the ticket ready?"

"Yes, it is." Then Xia Xiwan looked at Gu Yejin and said, "Ling Ling, who is this?"

"I don't know who this gentleman is. Just now, my sugar fell on the ground and he helped me pick it up. Wan Wan, we're boarding. Let's go. "

"Good." Xia Xiwan leaves with Ye Ling.

Gu Yejin stood in the same place and didn't move. He watched Ye Ling enter the registration office and slowly disappeared in front of his eyes.

He put on the top of his heart and loved the girl for so many years. He watched her leave him with his own eyes.

All of a sudden, his heart was empty.

The most important thing in his life is gone.

At this time, Lu Hanting came over. He wanted to say something, but at last he didn't say anything. He raised his hand and patted Gu Yejin on the shoulder.

Gu Yejin stood in the same place for a long time, and then quietly turned to leave.


Lu Hanting didn't trust Gu Yejin. He didn't know where Gu Yejin was going and what she would do, so he asked his secretary to drive behind Gu Yejin's luxury car.

The Secretary said respectfully, "president, I'm in a stable mood when I take care of the general staff. I don't think it's going to be a big deal."

Lu Hanting looks at Gu Yejin's car in front of him. Gu Yejin is in a stable mood and drives steadily. It doesn't look like an accident.

But Lu Hanting frowned. "I've known him for so many years. I know that the calmer he is, the more dangerous he is under the surface. I'd better keep up with him."

Lu Hanting still loves his brother very much. Gu Yejin has been living like an orphan without father and mother. Now Ye Ling is gone. He is really alone. If he doesn't follow, Gu Yejin is really alone.

Soon, the Secretary will stop the car, Lu Hanting get off, they have come to the door of the house.

It turns out that Gu Yejin left the airport and drove to Gu's mansion.

What's he doing here?

"President, Mr. Gu's car is just in front, but Mr. Gu's people don't know where to go." Said the private secretary.

Lu Hanting also saw Gu Yejin's car, but did not see Gu Yejin's person.

Where did he go?

Then the private secretary exclaimed, "Mr. Gu! President, look, President Gu is there! God, what is Mr. Gu doing? "

Lu Hanting looks up quickly. He sees Gu Yejin in front of him. Now Gu Yejin is holding a torch with a raging fire on it.

"President, isn't Gu always... Crazy?" The private secretary was surprised.

Lu Hanting immediately steps forward to Gu Yejin.

But the next second his step a stiff, because the front of Gu Yejin has raised her hand, will be in the hands of the torch into the house.

Whoosh, the fire on the torch immediately lit the whole house, and soon the house fell into a sea of fire.

Lu Hanting stayed, and he finally understood that Gu Yejin came back from the airport to burn Gu's mansion.

Gu's mansion is the abyss of sin. After Ye Ling left, Gu Yejin put a fire in it and burned everything.

But Gu's family is also Gu Yejin's root. This is the place where he inherited his blood. He burned it.

Lu Hanting looks at Gu Yejin at the moment. His handsome facial features are shining in the fire light. He has no expression and looks indifferent. He looks at Gu Yejin being burned to ashes. Maybe the private secretary is right. He is already crazy.

Gu Yejin loves Ye Ling and is crazy about love. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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