Xia Xiwan looks up at Ye Ling in front in shock. She doesn't know whether Ye Ling's words are true or false.

But she remembered a very strange thing, that is, since Ye Ling lost her memory, she never asked her child who her father was.

This is not reasonable.

When a woman wakes up and finds herself pregnant, the first thing she should do is to ask her child how she came and who her father is. However, Ye Ling never asks.

This has been ignored by their own problems suddenly swept, Xia Xiwan are surprised.

At this time, Ye Ling turned his head and saw her, "Wan Wan, are you back?"

Xia Xiwan quickly took back her thoughts, she came forward, "en Ling Ling, I bought some clothes for my baby."


Xia Xiwan bought a Siheyuan for Ye Ling in the town. It's a kind of courtyard with mountains and rivers to support people.

In the room, Ye Ling looked at the baby clothes piled up on the big bed and said with emotion, "Wan Wan, where did you buy some clothes? I think you have contracted my treasure's wardrobe for one year."

"That's necessary. I'm the baby's godmother." Xia Xiwan touched Ye Ling's stomach lovingly.

"Wanwan, I've settled down here. You don't have to accompany me any more. You've been occupying your time all the time. But it's my fault. Let's go to save others."

Xia Xiwan accompanies Ye Ling all this time. Many medical projects and surgical plans have stopped. Now everything is stable for Ye Ling. It's time for Xia Xiwan to leave.

"Lingling," Xia Xiwan raised her eyes and looked at Ye Ling, "do you know... Who is the father of the child?"

"My God Ye Ling quickly covered his mouth, very shocked, "Wan Wan, we have such a good relationship, haven't I told you who your child's father is?"

Xia Xiwan shook his head, "No."

"Come here and I'll write it to you."

Ye Ling quickly sat down on the book chair. She picked up a pen and wrote down a name on the paper, "wanwan, you see, the child's father is him!"

Xia Xiwan looked in the past, a familiar name jumped into her sight --- Gu Yejin.

Ye Ling wrote three words on the paper --- Gu Yejin!

Xia Xiwan once suspected that he was dazzled, but what ye Ling wrote was Gu Yejin.

At this time, Ye Ling held her cheek in both hands and looked out of the window, "Wan Wan, I can't remember the story between me and him now. I can't even recall his appearance. It's very possible that he and I were... One night. Love. "

"But my ear has been whispering a voice, he said, Ling Ling, don't forget me, my name is Gu Yejin."

"So, I remember his name, Gu Yejin these three words, I have engraved in the heart."

Xia Xiwan looks at the three words "Gu Yejin" on the paper. She finally understands that Ye Ling has not forgotten.

Gu Yejin spent many years to carve his own brand on Ye Ling's body. This brand is deep into the bone marrow and will not die out for many years.

After all, she couldn't leave him.

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