At this time, Xiao Cheng saw Ye Ling, and his brother and sister looked at each other.

Ye Ling's white eyes quickly become red. She has been worried about her brother. Now she is satisfied to see him standing in front of her.

Xiaocheng Junlang's face has no emotional waves. After looking at Gu Yejin who accompanies Ye Ling, he looks away.

"City master, are you coming?" At this time, mother sang came with the colorful girls, "girls, come and see the city master quickly."

As the girls came, their watery eyes fell on Xiao Cheng, and they called out, "good city."

"Cheng ye, these are all the pillars here. Are you satisfied with the beauty?" Mother sang asked for credit.

Xiao Cheng's hands were in his pants pocket. He looked like a big man in the river and lake. His dark ink eyes narrowed slowly, overflowing a bit of peach blossom and starlight. He took a look at the girls and said, "beautiful is very beautiful, but... I don't like the touch of silica gel. I don't have any strength."

Xiao Cheng's words, regardless of meat and vegetables, the men quickly laughed, "last time I don't know who put a woman into our big room, saying it was breast enhancement and slim waist. Our boss took it for her e cup. In a few minutes, the woman screamed and ran out. It turned out that the silica gel in her cup was crushed by our boss... Haha."

Everyone began to laugh. Xiao Cheng kicked the man's ass and said, "let's see Laozi's joke!"

Everyone laughed more.

The girls looked at Xiao Cheng Junlang's facial features, his tall and strong figure, and his wild and masculine breath, and they all wanted to jump into his arms immediately.

"City master, you are really joking. We are all natural."

"I have the e cup, too. I don't believe it."

A beautiful woman with a very upright figure deliberately pulled her collar down and kept discharging towards Xiao Cheng.

"It's true or not. Let me see." Xiao Cheng really looked in the past and looked straight.

That beautiful woman's legs are soft.

"No, I can't tell if you're natural. Let me touch it." Xiao Cheng tries his hand.


The beauty screamed, happy and excited.

"Well, this feeling... Is really true." Xiao Cheng nodded his head in a very serious way, and he let the unrestrained stream flow. The hooligan's style is incisive and incisive.

Ha ha ha, my men laughed with me.

"City master, let the little demon accompany you tonight." Mother sang pushed the beauty to Xiao Cheng's arms.

Xiao Cheng did not want to go, "go, go, go."

Xiao Cheng pushed the beautiful woman who nestled up to him, and then reached out to pick a pure beautiful woman in a blue uniform, "she's the only one tonight."

Everyone thought that Xiao Cheng would choose the beautiful woman who was in perfect shape just now. Who knows that he flirted with others one second before and gave them to his subordinates the next. He also chose a pure beauty with a totally different style. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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