"I warn you not to move any more!" Xiao Cheng gave a silent reprimand.

Su Xiaotang seldom sees him lose his temper. She knows how cruel he is outside. Now she is too scared to move, but a pair of apricot eyes stare at him, unconvinced.

Xiao Cheng smelled the fragrance of her body. She had just taken a bath. She was full of bath fragrance and the clean smell of a 19-year-old girl. He was wandering in romantic occasions. There were many women around him, but they all smelled of rouge powder.

"I won't move any more, Master Cheng. You can let me go."

"Let go? Su Xiaotang, you don't knock in the middle of the night to enter a man's room just to let me go, or are you playing hard to get with me? "

Su Xiaotang a Leng, "what?"

Xiao Cheng saw that her eyes were a little confused, which was full of innocence and ignorance. He couldn't help holding her small jaw.

Her greasy skin fascinated him.

Su Xiaotang is still young, and she wants to avoid the pink particles.

But Xiao Cheng's fingertips pinched her hard, and her tall body also bowed down and bullied her.

The closer the two people are, the blush on Su Xiaotang's face has spread to the white earlobe. Looking at the delicate, she tries to shrink back, trying to avoid the man's breath on him, "you... What are you doing?"

"Tonight, stay." Xiao Cheng said five words hoarsely.

As soon as these five words fall, Su Xiaotang knows what he means even though he is blank in love affairs. Her black-and-white pupil shrinks fiercely, and she looks at him in shock.

Xiao Cheng thin lips a sip, regret.

The fire in his heart came out of control. When he said these five words, his face changed. Now the girl stared at him in shock. Her clear eyes reflected his frivolity and Meng Lang.

Xiao Cheng picked his heroic eyebrows and decided to go to the black road. "Why, don't you know what I mean?"

Su Xiaotang did not speak, he added, very bad, "you will not tell me you are still at home. Are you a girl

Su Xiaotang's snowy oval face turns red and white. She probably understands what he means. He wants to play the game between adult men and women with her tonight.

She was extremely disappointed and indignant at him, so she raised her hand and fanned his handsome face.


Xiao Cheng got a slap solidly, and his face was missed.

Su Xiaotang pushed him away and ran away.

Listening to the sound of her footsteps, Xiao Cheng slowly turns Jun's face around. The tip of his tongue hits his right cheek. He takes off his clothes and takes a cold shower in the bathroom.


in the bathroom.

The clattering sound of water sounded, and Xiao Cheng stood tall and straight under the shower, letting the cold water rush down from his head.

He raised his hand and washed his face with cold water.

Just now, he didn't know what he had done.

Tonight, stay.

Those five words just blurted out, out of control.

Xiao Cheng is missing in the relationship between men and women. He is also in touch with the wild bees and butterflies around him. He admits that he has made some kind of invitation to her. He likes her very much. He has several desires tonight.

However, he forgot that she was different from those wild bees and butterflies. She was an innocent girl, her father was a martyr, and her mother was a female entrepreneur.

Just now, she was shocked and frightened like a basin of cold water. Xiao Cheng himself was shocked. In the past 30 years, he held up his head and made a mistake for the first time.

Knowing that nothing can be given to her, I still want to... Let her stay at night.

He's such a jerk.

But she's just a jerk.

He's never done this to another woman.

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