Xiao Cheng left.

Xiao Tingting is lying on the ground in a mess. She looks at Xiao Cheng's back and swears that she must get this man!


after drinking a lot of wine, Xiao Cheng was unable to drive. The driver took him to a small villa and said, "Lord, please bear with me for a while. I have sent someone to get the antidote. It should be delivered soon."

Xiao Cheng's tall body was hidden in the dim light of the back seat. He didn't speak. He just closed his eyes and raised his hand to pinch his eyebrows.

The driver has been following Xiao Cheng for several years, but he still knows Xiao Cheng's character very well, so he tentatively says, "Lord Cheng, why don't I ask someone to get a girl for you? The beautiful and watery one. Men need to indulge once in a while."

Xiao Cheng opened his eyes, "no need."

He got out of the car and went into the western style house.

Open the door of the western style house. It's dark inside. Xiao Cheng stays for a while. After a few seconds, Su Xiaotang leaves.

If she was there, no matter how late, she would have left him a light.

And the kitten she raised, always without face and skin, came up and meowed to him.

Xiao Cheng reached out and turned on the wall lamp and went into his bedroom. He began to take a cold shower.

Xiao Tingting is so bold that she dares to use such vulgar means on him. Even master Xiao dares not tear his face with him.

Xiao Cheng only felt hot and dry all over. Xiao Tingting should have found the best medicine. Cold water rushing on her body did not alleviate the hot and dry all over her body. On the contrary, it was ice and fire, and her senses were more sensitive. A sense of humor.

Xiao Cheng's eyes are tight, and Su Xiaotang's little oval face appears in his mind...

I can't think of her!

Xiao Cheng quickly closed his eyes and forced himself to get rid of her little face, because as soon as he thought of her, he felt his blood gushing.

The cold water kept rushing. Xiao Cheng rolled his throat up and down, then stretched out his hand and turned off the shower.

He quickly put on his clothes and went out.

The driver did not leave, but stopped on the lawn outside the house. From a distance, he saw Xiao Cheng coming.

"Master Cheng, where are you going so late?" Asked the driver.

Xiao city on the car, light thin lips, "to find Su Xiaotang."

The driver didn't feel the accident. When he said the antidote just now, Xiao Cheng didn't speak. The driver guessed that Xiao Cheng had another plan.

It turns out that it's Miss Su again...

it's said that the city master hasn't changed his lover for a long time. Now the driver has really seen how powerful Miss Su is, and the little girl is getting more and more amazing.

"Well, Mr. Cheng, Miss Su has been arranged in the hotel. Let's go now." The driver stepped on the gas.


in the presidential suite of the hotel.

Su Xiaotang took a bath and sat in front of the dresser in her white bathrobe. She was blowing her hair.

Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow.

Su Xiaotang recalled that the hair dryer had been blowing for a long time, but her hair was still half wet. She looked up at herself in the mirror, her eyes were absent-minded and her mind was wandering.

Put down the hair dryer, Su Xiaotang reached out and held the kitten in his arms, "Xiaomiao, what are you calling?"

Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow.

Su Xiaotang trembled and said softly, "are you asking... Xiao Cheng, he's probably with his fiancee now, and he doesn't have time to talk to us."

Meow meow

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