Xia Xiwan got out of bed and went to the French window. She stretched out her hand and opened the curtain of each window to look out. Her pupil shrank suddenly.

The sky at zero point is still black, but now countless sky lights float from the ground to the sky, like countless bright and dazzling stars that ignite the whole Haicheng.

Thousands of lights, beautiful.

At this time, Ye Ling had a bowl of Changsheng noodles and sent it in. She stood in front of the window and inhaled, "Wow, I've seen a lot of men's methods to coax women, but Mr. Lu of your family is also very good at playing. In order to celebrate your birthday, he even lights up the whole Haicheng with the sky lamp, which will be a hot search warning in the morning."

at this time, "bite", Lu Ting Ting's WeChat came again, willing to long lights do not go out, to spend the rest of their lives.

Xia Xiwan's 20th birthday is lying in front of the French window with her mobile phone in her arms. Her clear eyes are full of stars. Her red lips make her return to Mr. Lu. Please give me more advice for the rest of her life.

Xia Xiwan eats Changsheng noodles from her good friend Ye Ling. Ye Ling doesn't touch the spring water in the sun. The noodles are not delicious, but Xia Xiwan thinks it is a delicacy in the world. She also receives a lot of blessings when she eats noodles.

The old lady gave her a big red envelope, and the zero behind the red envelope almost dazzled her. In addition, both of them, director Li sent her birthday wishes.

On her 20th birthday, Xia Xiwan felt that she had a lot of things.

Love, kinship, friendship, here is the warmth and love she has been longing for.


In the early morning, Xia Xiwan rushed to the imperial six-star hotel early. Today, Xia Zhenguo once again invested a lot of money in the most luxurious hall here to celebrate her and Xia Yanyan's birthday. All the upper class nobles of Haicheng attended.

Today's microblog hot search has been popular for a long time. The first hot search is that the sky lamp lights up Haicheng. All the hot reviews are about Xia Yanyan's fans' carnival.

today is the time for me to witness history. In order to celebrate my family's Yanyan's birthday, general manager Lu lit up the 49 city with a sky wide birthday lamp.

It is said that Mr. Lu will come to Wuli Yanyan's birthday party.

Ask Mr. Lu and Yan Yan to get married in situ.

Shhh, be quiet. Xia Xiwan next door is also celebrating his birthday. He has been kicked. He is very poor. Don't be killed by acid.

It's said that the ghost old man in Youlan garden will also come to celebrate Xia Xiwan's birthday. Let's watch it and ask for live broadcast.

Xia Xiwan sees that there is a lot of excitement outside the Imperial Hotel. Many fans of Xia Yanyan come to celebrate her birthday with a banner and flowers in hand. It's really a scene.

Xia Xiwan walks in and sees Xia Yanyan surrounded by a group of Haicheng celebrities from a distance.

Yanyan, what kind of love is president Lu to you? It's too romantic to light Haicheng with sky lights?

I knew that Mr. Lu was just confused by Xia Xiwan, and you are his true love.

Yan Yan, when you become Mrs. Lu, don't forget us.

Xia Yanyan is wearing an elegant floral dress and a crown on her head. She looks like the little princess of this birthday party.

smiles on her lips, and Lu Hanting said she would surprise her on her birthday that day, but she didn't expect Lu Hanting to give her such a big one to light the four nine cities with long lights.

Now the microblog has become popular. A few days ago, the celebrities in Haicheng who laughed at her have come to flatter her again and make her star studded. It's really good.

At this time, Xia Yanyan looked up and saw Xia Xiwan. She quickly said with a smile, "wanwan, today, Mr. Lu celebrated my birthday with the sky lamp. Are you not angry with me?"

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