Xia Xiwan and Yuesao meet in the cloister. They open the door of the ward and walk in.

Soon they were stunned, because Gu Yejin and Ye Ling were...

"Sir," said Yuesao in shock, "what are you doing?"

This sound let Gu Yejin open his eyes, he quickly released Ye Ling, stood up.

"Sir, my wife is in confinement now. It's no joke. No matter what you think, you can't bully her now." She said.

Xia Xiwan also came over and held Ye Ling's hand. "Ling Ling, you should listen to Yuesao's words. You can't fool around. Your body is your own. Bear with it. A month will soon pass."

Ye Ling is too shy to do, "Wan Wan..." she called.

Gu Yejin wiped her trouser pocket and rolled her throat. He was also embarrassed. As soon as Ye Ling was in confinement, he couldn't help it.

Just kiss, was caught by the scene, he Gu Yejin has not done such an embarrassing thing.

"Yes, sir, it's your fault." Sister Yue said angrily.

So these two people, one sitting on the bed, the other standing, were honestly disciplined by Xia Xiwan and Yuesao on this shameful topic for a long time.

Gu Yejin's face is pretty and dark.

Xia Xiwan closed the topic, and finally concluded, "well, I don't have the consciousness to take care of you. You sleep in separate rooms this month, so Ling Ling can also concentrate on the confinement."


GU Yejin takes Ye Ling and Xiaotiantian back to siheyuan. Under the careful care of Yuesao, Ye Ling's body recovers quickly, and Xiaotiantian is also growing vigorously.

Gu Yejin accompanies their mother and daughter every day, holding sweetie growing up day by day in his arms. His heart is full of happiness.

Soon Ye Ling was born. That day Gu Yejin drove Ye Ling and Xiaotiantian to the hospital for physical examination.

After the physical examination, Gu Yejin takes her mother and daughter home.

Yuesao asked for leave, so there was a family of three in the luxury car.

In the luxury car, Xiaotiantian kept calling.

Gu Yejin takes a look through the rearview mirror. Ye Ling holds Xiaotiantian in the back seat. Xiaotiantian is probably hungry, and her mouth is searching for the fragrant place.

"Is sweetie hungry?" Gu Yejin whispered.

Ye Ling nodded, "yes."

"Then you feed sweetie some milk."

"..." if she could feed it, she would have fed it long ago. Ye Ling only knew that it was a problem to go out to feed her since she had made hemp. For example, how could she feed her when he was in the car now?

Gu Yejin looked at her small face, these days she raised very well, small face more delicate.

Looking down at her clothes, she had recovered her figure, and the loose dress couldn't resist her small waist like a porcelain vase, one foot six.

Ye Ling in the back seat is sensitive. Feeling aware of his eyes, she raised her eyes, only to see his eyes now fell straight on her Yingrun curve, because hello. Because of the milk, she's a lot fuller.

Ye Ling's face turned red. Because he was pregnant before, he didn't dare to have any evil thoughts. Now that the baby was born and the month of confinement came out, he became bold and had no taboo.

"What are you looking at? Drive your car!" Ye Ling glared at him.

Gu Yejin is very calm, "you feed your daughter. Milk, don't worry, I won't peek at you. "

She won't believe him.

Man's mouth, deceitful ghost!

Ye Ling insisted that he didn't feed in the car. Milk, sweetie did not cry, but she felt bloated, and a little pain.

Finally home, Gu Yejin got off and hugged Xiaotiantian, Ye Ling also got off.

Soon Gu Yejin narrowed her eyes, and her eyes fell on her clothes, "you...

Ye Ling quickly put out her hand to cover herself," let you not see, you still see! "

Gu Yejin eyes color gradually deep, his tall and handsome body slowly bully close to her, and then cover in her ear mute way a, "Ling Ling, you wet."

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