What on earth does he want to do?

This is her room, where all her private activities are going on, including feeding her daughter. Milk...

as long as you think that all these things are clearly exposed in Gu Yejin's eyes, Ye Ling feels that a stream of blood rushes into her brain, which is hard to stop.

During this period of time, he became a Sheng to guard her side, and restrained all the sharp points. She thought he had become a good man, but she didn't expect that he was still so dark in his bones. State!

Ye Ling unplugs the camera and goes straight to Gu Yejin's room.


GU Yejin took a cold shower in the bathroom for a long time. When he came out, he watched the surveillance video, and the video turned black.

Oh, no!

Gu Yejin immediately alert, Ye Ling is not found?

At this time, the sound of "knock knock" on the door rang out, and someone was knocking on the door.

There is no other person here except him and Ye Ling. Gu Yejin knows that his trick has been revealed.

Gu Yejin went to open the door of the room, and sure enough, it was Ye Ling outside. Ye Ling's face was red with anger, and her eyes were glaring at him.

"Ling Ling, what can I do for you?" Gu Yejin asked knowingly.

Ye Ling felt more and more shameless when he looked at his dignified and calm manner. He hid himself too deeply. "Look at the good things you've done! "

Ye Ling angrily smashes the camera on Gu Yejin.

Gu Yejin didn't avoid it. After the camera hit him, it fell on the carpet. He was glad that he had learned that she was aware of it, so he prepared a set of defense words. So he frowned and said seriously, "Ling Ling, you already know?"

"Are you glad to ask, did you install this camera?"

"Yes, I installed it, but Ling Ling, listen to me. I didn't mean to install the camera. You are pregnant and I can't take care of you. For the safety of you and Tiantian, I installed this camera."

What he said was true and innocent. It seemed that she didn't know what to do now.

Ye Ling almost believed it, but she had already seen through him, "do you think I'm a three-year-old kid? Do you think I'll believe you? You know what you're thinking about when you install a camera, and you know what you see!"

As long as she thought that all her secrets had been exposed in his eyes, her small face would bleed with shame.

Ye Ling walked away directly.

Gu Yejin was a little flustered, because he found that she was not easy to cheat, so he held out his big hand and clasped her slender wrist, "Lingling, don't go!"

"Gu Yejin, let go!" Ye Ling wants to get rid of him.

But the next second two people are a stiff, because she inadvertently called out the familiar name --- Gu Yejin.

Ye Ling looks up, she directly bumps into Gu Yejin's black eyes, at this time he is staring at her.

Ye Ling avoids his eyes, but Gu Yejin reaches for her hand, and her soft and boneless body suddenly bumps into his arms.

"Let go!" Ye Ling clenched his fist and hammered him.

Gu Yejin hugs her hard. She wants to rub her into her own blood. Her thin lips fall on her long hair and kiss her. He says in a dumb voice, "don't let go!"

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