Ye Ling reached up to his delicate chest and said, "wait for my husband, tomorrow's dress... Should I wear it or not?"

Gu Yejin, "wear."


the next day, the red carpet was ten miles away, the lights were shining, and all the big guys and stars gathered at the award ceremony.

Sister Hua looks around anxiously, but she still can't see Ye Ling.

The ceremony is about to start, but the aunt hasn't arrived yet.

"Do you see Ye Ling?"

"No, we've been waiting for a long time. We're looking forward to it."

Sister Hua looked at the time, "it's too late. I can't get through Ye Ling's mobile phone. Later, the laurel of the three gold movie queen is really on Ling Ling's head. If it's time for her to receive the award, I'll receive the award instead of her. You prepare the PR draft and say that Ling Ling Ling is delayed. At this time, no negative news can be revealed. Do you understand?"

"I understand."

Explain everything, flower elder sister sat down, now only this way.

The awarding ceremony officially started. Several small awards were presented in front of the ceremony. Soon the host came on stage and said, "distinguished guests, it's the most exciting moment. We're going to announce the winner of the three gold movie queen. She is..."

Ye Ling's soft and charming face lit up on the big screen of the audience. Sister Hua showed a smile. Ye Ling, the three gold movie queen, is almost in no suspense.

The host announced excitedly, "yes, the winner of the three gold movie queen is... Ye Ling! Ye Ling's debut time is not long, but her entertainment beauty peak and superb acting skills have led the flow of an era. This summer, she carried out a perfect transformation with "Floating Life" and surprised the circle. Now let's welcome Ye Ling and beauty to the stage with the warmest applause! "

There was a wave of applause in the audience. As a gold medal agent, sister Hua also swallowed her saliva nervously. In recent years, she has handled all kinds of entertainment and public relations cases with ease, but it's also the first time that she has stood on the peak stage and attracted everyone's attention.

Ye Ling's aunt really threw a hot potato to her.

Sister Hua wants to get up and accept the prize instead of Ye Ling.

But next second, there's a scream in your ears

Sister Hua looked up and saw a tall and handsome figure on the red carpet in front of her. It was... Gu Yejin!

Here comes Gu Yejin!

Oh, my God.

Ye Ling's award ceremony, Gu Yejin has come!

There was an instant commotion at the scene.

"Here comes Mr. Gu, here comes the richest man!"

"Isn't Gu always taking the place of Ye Meiren to receive the prize?"

"Some time ago, ye Meiren and Gu's family had a lot of trouble. The story of Gu and ye Meiren falling in love and killing each other has spread in hundreds of versions. Later, the two disappeared for a long time at the same time. Unexpectedly, now Gu suddenly appears under the camera."

"I have a hunch that today's richest man must have come to show his love and spread dog food."

Sister Hua was also shocked. She didn't know Gu Yejin would come.

Today's Gu Yejin is wearing a well-designed black suit. The expensive cloth is ironed without any wrinkles. He strides with long legs and strides sonorously from the red carpet. Over the years, he has not changed. He is still mature, gentle, handsome, abstinent and powerful in people's memory. His hands turn into clouds and his hands turn into rain.

Gu Yejin came to the stage and came to the host's side.

After a short period of consternation, the host quickly handed Gu Yejin Ye Ling's three gold film queen trophy, and then asked, "Mr. Gu, are you here to receive the award for Ye Ling today?"

The host handed the microphone to Gu Yejin.

At this time, Gu Yejin calmly stood in the middle of the stage, all the bright lights were plated on his beautiful face, his dark eyes light of qunquan for a moment, the scene was still very noisy suddenly quiet.

This is Gu Yejin's aura, who is in a high position is naturally frightening.

The audience was quiet. Gu Yejin came to the microphone with a cup in her hand and said in a low voice, "yes, today I'm here to receive the award instead of my wife."

I came to receive the prize instead of my wife.

They didn't know that Gu Yejin and Ye Ling were married. They didn't know that Ye Ling had become Mrs. Gu.

At this time, Ye Ling has awakened. Last night, the black silk she was wearing was mercilessly discarded on the carpet of her bedroom and broken into pieces.

This kind of clothes is probably disposable.

Ye Ling sits up on the soft big bed. Looking at the strawberry print on her body, she can't help regretting that she shouldn't go to touch Gu Yejin.

No matter how she feeds him, he is a hungry wolf.

She has to go to the award ceremony and wear a formal dress. How can these strawberry prints be covered? Ye Ling is worried.

At this time, Ye Ling suddenly saw the time, her small head "when" a, directly can't think.She's late!

Oh, my God, now the awards ceremony is almost over. She's still in bed. She's late!

Why didn't Gu Yejin call her?

Ye Ling turns on her mobile phone. There are hundreds of calls in it, all from sister Hua.

Ye Ling immediately jumped down from the bed and opened the door of the room, "Gu Yejin! Gu Yejin

She has a little doubt that Gu Yejin is intentional. Last night, he promised to let her wear a dress, but whether she wears it or not is not his problem.

This old black fox!

Ye Ling rubbed down the stairs. At this time, there was a milky voice in the living room, "Ma Ma"

Xiaotiantian sat on the sofa in the living room, her big black eyes looked at her happily, a small white hand pointed to the TV, and said with a happy smile, "Ma Ma, it's daddy's baby"

Ye Ling looked up.

She saw Gu Yejin.

Now the TV in the living room is broadcasting the award ceremony live. Gu Yejin's familiar face appears on the TV screen. The host says, "my God, ye Meiren has become Mrs. Gu. Then... Does Gu always want to say something to Mrs. Gu?"

Through the TV screen, Gu Yejin looked over. His eyes seemed to penetrate everything and fell on her. He raised his thin lips and said gently, "Lingling, I love you."

"Ling Ling, I.,"

"Ling Ling, jet."

"Ling Ling," he said ...

Ye lingyujie trembles. She didn't expect that he stood on the stage at the moment, in front of the whole world, skillfully switched more than 20 languages to express himself to her. He said that sentence to her again and again --- I love you.

You are my way home.

You are my secret.

Now I just want to say to you loudly --- I love you! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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