Another little brother has been added to the family. Gu Fu has a younger brother and has become a sister, which makes the family lively.

Ma Ma was in confinement, and his father insisted on taking care of his children alone, regardless of everyone's opposition.

Let's take it. Ma Ma was born that day. I don't know what PA Bi and Ma Ma did in the room. They didn't go out for two hours. Now, when grandma came to see, my little brother peed his pants and cried.

That night, grandma took away her little brother and punished dad for thinking more than he did.


in Gu Fu's memory, there have been no other women around him, not to mention Yingyan, even the female mosquito, because Mama Yufu is good at it.

once, Dad had an evasive dinner. When he came home, he smelled the perfume of a woman in daddy's body.

Good guy, Ma Ma grabs PA Bi's shirt and breaks out on the spot, crying and kicking off his crystal high heels.

dad tried to explain that he definitely didn't have any women, but the old men who ordered them could smell perfume.

Ma Ma didn't believe it, and resolutely drove PA Bi out of the door. That night, PA Bi squatted outside the door all night.

The next day, the richest man went to work with dark eyes.

In the evening, daddy continues to coax Ma Ma. Ma Ma sits on the bed, wearing a Pink Tulle nightdress. The nightdress slips down from one side of the fragrant shoulder, revealing the delicate muscles that have just been bathed in rose petals. Ma Ma is still crying. The affectation is that men can't escape the series.

Dad than was crying, directly want to hemp down, hemp and Dad than out.

On the third day, the richest man went to work with a gloomy face and dissatisfied desire.

In the evening, Dad would "invite" the boss and the women to come and explain to Ma Ma one by one to prove his innocence.

Ma Ma Du's red lips hummed.

That night, she stood outside the door and heard the sound of conversation inside. Her voice was delicate. "I'm sorry, husband, I misunderstood you."

"but there's something wrong with you. If there's a woman's place, you shouldn't go there. You know people are jealous."

"Lingling just can't live without her husband. Lingling loves her husband so much. Her husband can only be Lingling alone ”

standing outside the door, she heard the sound of goose bumps, but that night, daddy was quite helpful.

Dad than energetic, radiant to go to work, but also to those boss said --- after the social intercourse I will not go, there is a shrew at home!

So everyone knows that the richest man has a shrew, and the imperial husband has the skill to clean up the richest man.

Ma Ma Da Gong warned that people in the circle no longer dare to shout the richest man to women. If there is any social intercourse, they must clear the scene first and get rid of all the women.

One day, the richest man's neck was still covered with a few ambiguous red scratches. He said with a smile that the little wild cat at home was really unbearable.

The face of the richest man is greasy, just like a fishy cat, which makes people unable to help. Tut tut

Ma Ma Ma said that he must shape what kind of husband he wants. Once he finds something wrong, he must nip everything in the bud. This is the skill of the imperial husband!


of course, there are many interesting things about Dad, including when Lu Shuo and Wan Wan's mom come to visit. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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