He Bing had never been so disappointed and disgusted with herself. She began to hate herself.

"Mrs. Xiao, don't worry. I have nothing to do with the city master. I won't be your threat." Finish saying, he Bing turns round to leave directly.

Looking at he Bing's leaving Qiao Ying, Xiao Cheng hasn't moved for a long time, because he can't move or chase.

The street lamp on the side of the road pulled his figure for a long time. No one knew what he was thinking.

Xiao Tingting doesn't know what Xiao Cheng is thinking at the moment, but she recognizes he Bing at a glance. He Bing is Su Xiaotang three years ago, the new girl who has been spoiled by Xiao Cheng for a long time.

Just now in the car, she saw the intimate picture of Xiao Cheng and he Bing. She was already jealous. In the car, she taught her son Xiao Yu to curse and kick he Bing later. Xiao Yu did a good job.

Xiao Tingting took a look at the direction of he Bing's disappearance, and then went forward to hold Xiao Cheng's arm and said, "ah Cheng, I brought my son here to give you a big one. Let's go home."

There was no expression on Xiao Cheng's Jun face. His eyes were as deep as ink. He put his hand around Xiao Tingting's shoulder and said, "let's go home."


when the family of three returned to the villa, the maid said, "Sir, madam, young master, you are back. Dinner is ready. You can have dinner."

"I've already eaten it. You can eat it." Xiao Cheng left the mother and son, went upstairs and went directly into the study.

"Mommy, doesn't Daddy like me?" Xiao Yu asked Xiao Tingting, because he felt that his father had always been indifferent to him.

What flashed through Xiao Tingting's eyes? Xiao Cheng certainly didn't like Xiao Yu, because Xiao Yu was not his own son.

Xiao Tingting was a sea queen before she met Xiao Cheng. She had many boyfriends and enjoyed conquering men. At that time, when she married Xiao Cheng, she found out that she was pregnant. The son's biological father is unknown. Anyway, it must not be Xiao Cheng's.

"Son, your father loves you very much. If you go to bed early tonight, will it be nice for mommy and daddy to give you another baby brother, Xiaomei?" Xiao Tingting has always wanted to have a child in Xiaocheng, but she has not been pregnant.

Xiao Yu snorted, "it doesn't matter if daddy doesn't like me. Anyway, after daddy's death, everything in the Xiao family is mine."

Xiao Tingting nodded and praised, "my son is a great success."


after dinner, Xiao Tingting goes into the room and takes a bath. She takes a cup of coffee and knocks on the door of the study.

"In." Inside came Xiao Cheng's low voice.

Xiao Tingting pushes the door and enters. Now Xiao Cheng is sitting on a black leather office chair, smoking cigarettes in one hand and reading documents in the other, just like a big man.

Xiao Tingting is very satisfied with Xiao Cheng, and only Xiao Cheng can make her a scum girl. In the past three years, Xiao Cheng has made the Xiao family bigger and bigger, and has devoured more and more territory. What's more, her husband and wife's life with Xiao Cheng is also very harmonious.

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