Xiao Cheng hands on the bed, condescending looking at her, his face did not smile, indifferent open way, "lighter, bring it."

Simple five words, strong to irrefutable.

Xiao Tingting's heart leaps. She has seen all kinds of Xiao Cheng, handsome, fierce, gloomy, evil... But she has never seen him like this. At the moment, he seems to have retreated a layer of camouflage. The man's sense of heavy experience is awe inspiring.

Xiao Tingting didn't dare to be a demon. She gave her lighter to Xiao Cheng.

Xiao Cheng put the lighter back into his trouser pocket. Then he raised his hand and pulled the button of his shirt.

Xiao Tingting immediately raised two hands to embrace his neck, "Acheng."

Xiao Cheng looked at her, then slowly lowered his head, the two faces closer and closer.

Xiao Tingting closes her eyes and looks forward to his kiss falling on her face and body...

the next second, the light in the room has been turned off.

It turned out that instead of kissing her, he turned off the light. Xiao Tingting opened her eyes, her vision was dark.

"Ah Cheng, why don't you turn on the light? You always turn off the light when we've been married for so long. I can't see you anymore. I want to turn on the light and look at you."

After being married for so long, Xiao Cheng turns off the light every time she sleeps together, so she can't see anything. She doesn't like it.

Xiao Cheng low smile, voice in Qin a thin cold evil spirit, "I like... Turn off the light."

Xiao Tingting thinks that Xiao Cheng definitely doesn't want to see her face. For men, turning off the light is the same as any woman.

Xiao Tingting doesn't dare to protest, because her private life was not clean before she got married, and she made Xiao Cheng happy to be a father. Although Xiao Cheng never said that, this man is not what he used to be. Maybe he will take the lead in the eldest brother's position, and he will master everyone's lifeblood.

Xiao Tingting leaned to the man again, "Acheng, I'll give you a son."

Once she gives birth to his son, the relationship between them will be closer.

"Son?" Xiao Cheng sneered, "like Xiao Yu?"

Xiao Yu has been abandoned by Xiao's father and Xiao Tingting, which is a small change. State.

"No, our son must be more smart and handsome than Xiao Yu. I will love our son more." Xiao Tingting said happily.

Xiao Cheng is not interested in this topic and doesn't want to entangle with her. He gets up and gets out of bed.

How did he leave?

I can't go.

Xiaotingting also followed out of bed, she hugged Xiaocheng strong waist from behind, "Acheng, where are you going, don't go."

Xiao Cheng pushed away her hand, "this time can't wait, wait, I'll take a shower first."


Xiao Tingting has been waiting in her room. Five minutes later, the man has not come out.

She couldn't help running to the bathroom door, "knock knock" knocked on the door, "Acheng, have you finished washing?"

The door of the bathroom opened with a bang.

In the dark, Xiao Tingting can't see the man's face clearly, but the man's figure is still strong and straight. She pours into the man's arms.

On tiptoe, she kisses the man's lips.

The man's breath was hot, and he threw her on the bed in the dark.

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