Ye Ming was stunned. He didn't expect that after looking for so long, he looked for the vast sea of people, looked through the mountains, and finally it was him.

His bone marrow can save he Bing. Everything is like an arrangement.

Ye Ming looked down at he Bing lying on the hospital bed. His lips were filled with a sweet and soft radian. He knew it. He knew he could save her.

Edge to edge, entangled, but you.

"Arrange the operation immediately." Ye Ming said softly.


In the operating room.

Ye Ming and he Bing were pushed in, but he Bing didn't open her eyes. She was still in a coma.

"Brother ye, we'll give you anesthetic now." Xia Xiwan said.

"Wait a minute." Ye Ming opens his mouth.

Xia Xiwan stopped.

Ye Ming slowly stretched out his rough big palm to hold he Bing's small hand on the next ward. Her small hand was soft and cold. He wrapped her small hand tightly in his heart.

He passed on his warm body temperature and calm strength to her, so that she would not be lonely or afraid in her sleep.

If he left, she would be very strong and brave, and she would grow up slowly.


The operation lasted until the afternoon. Two hours later, the anesthetic on Ye Ming's leg disappeared. He wanted to get up and get out of bed.

Xia Xiwan quickly stopped and said, "brother ye, the operation was very successful, but you took your bone marrow for matching, so you have to stay in the hospital for observation these days to see if there are any physical adverse reactions. This matter is careless and related to your right leg."

Ye Ming's face was a little white, but his face was expressionless. "Is Bingbing awake?"

"Not yet."

He Bing hasn't awakened yet.

Ye Ming looks down at the watch on his wrist. He's leaving. It's time.

Then a string of melodious cell phone rings, and the cell phone in his trouser pocket calls.

Ye Ming took out his mobile phone and saw that it was the phone above.

It's not Zhu Chao's phone, but the phone above.

Ye Ming's handsome eyebrows sank directly. He said to Xia Xiwan, "then I'll have a rest. Go and be busy."

"OK." Xia Xiwan backed out at ease.

Ye Ming immediately pressed the key to connect the phone.

There came an old and dignified voice, "Ye Ming, Zhu Chao was captured by a scorpion."

Zhu Chao was caught. The scorpion came so hard and so fast.

Ye Ming's slender five fingers clenched the mobile phone, but the words spit out from his thin lips were simple, "where?"

"At the dock! Ye Ming, if you change your departure date privately, you will kill people around you. Don't you know that! Ye Ming I know shouldn't be such a willful person!" there came the sound of crutches hitting the ground.

Ye Ming comes down directly from the ward and raises his feet to go out.

The little nurse chased after him, "where are you going? You can't leave the hospital now. You..."

Ye Ming holds the mobile phone and glances at the little nurse with a sharp eye wind.

The little nurse trembled with fear and stopped, afraid to chase.

Ye Ming walks in the corridor. The voice at the other end continues to come, "Ye Ming, you don't have to worry about Zhu Chao. The scorpion catches him to show you. Now how many pairs of eyes are staring at you. I'll send someone to save Zhu Chao. Your ticket has been changed and leave overnight!"

"I'll bring him back."

"What? Ye Ming, don't fool around with me... Hey, Ye Ming..."

Ye Ming hung up directly.

He walked steadily in the corridor. At this time, he stopped because he came to the door of he Bing's ward.

Looking through the small glass window, he Bing is lying on the hospital bed and still sleeping.

His eyes fell on her little face, deep and hot, reluctant to give up, and wanted to deeply engrave her appearance into his soul.

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