Ye Ming is forced to step on the brake because he Bing is in front of his car.

He lowered his cap on his head and didn't speak.

He Bing stretched out his hand, opened the rear door of the van and jumped in.

This is an ordinary van. There is no one on board except the driver.

He Bing sat in the back seat and glanced, then looked up at the driver, "did you see any suspicious people just now?"

Ye Ming shook his head.

The man didn't speak. In addition, he pressed his duck tongue cap low, and there was no light in the carriage. His sight was dark. What was flashing in he Bing's bright eyes. This man was very suspicious.

"Why don't you talk?" he Bing asked.

Ye Ming didn't expect that he provoked her just now. He reached out and pointed to a card in front of the windshield, which said - disabled people.

People with disabilities?

Is he mute?

He Bing looked at him a few times. He was strong and familiar.

When she looked down again, his right trouser leg was empty and there was a prosthetic limb on the co pilot's seat.

He lost his right leg.

He is really disabled!

He Bing twisted Xiumei, "drive and give me a ride."

Ye Ming nodded and started the car.


The van sped smoothly on the road. Ye Ming raised his head slightly and looked at he Bing in the back through the rearview mirror.

He Bing leaned lazily in the back seat. She was wearing a black assault coat. The zipper of the coat was pulled up. A pure black hair tied a horsetail low, which lined her with a bit of energy and simplicity.

In the past three years, she has changed a lot and become more feminine.

Ye Ming quickly retracted his eyes and rolled his throat up and down.

Not seen for three years, she has the lazy and indifferent nature of a little woman. Feeling amorous feelings, people can't move their eyes.

She is 24 years old, the most beautiful years.

Ye Ming's driving is not fast, even a little slow. At this moment, she sits in his car and the world is quiet.

The empty heart is filled at this moment. Where should he go? Maybe he wants to go to the ends of the earth.

He couldn't help but look up at her again.

The next second, he hit her clear eyes directly.

I don't know when, he Bing's eyes also came over and looked at him quietly.

At this moment, the two people looked at each other and bumped into each other's eyes.

Ye Ming curled up with her fingers on the steering wheel. At this time, she saw he Bing lightly hook her red lips. She raised her eyebrows, "what are you looking at? Looking at me?"

Ye Ming knows that she has been caught. She finds that he is peeping at her.

"Why, do I look good?" he Bing spilled a frivolous and slow smile, which seemed to be teasing him.

Ye Ming wondered if she recognized him.

"Do you dare to take another look? Believe it or not, I'll dig out your eyes?" he Bing continued.

Dug his eyes?

Ye Ming smiles in his heart. He's so fierce. He's scared.

He withdrew his eyes.

He Bing looked at him with a pack of cigarettes at hand. It was not a good cigarette. It was a pack of cigarettes for a few dollars, but she was addicted to smoking.

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