Zhao Liying also looks at Shuangshuang. He is very proud in front of Shuangshuang. After all, Shuangshuang likes him. Now he suddenly thinks, why didn't she lose weight earlier? If she was so beautiful and cute at the beginning, maybe he would not be attracted by Xia Yanyan.

Did she lose weight for him?

If she confesses to him again, how should he choose, good vexation.

In Zhao Liying's complicated look, both of them raised their lips and said, "what group leader Zhao, you have forgotten that director Zhou has removed his position as group leader some time ago. If you remember correctly, he is still in the hospital for observation!"

Zhao Liying felt a basin of cold water from the top of his head, which made him feel cool.

At this time, shuangshuangshuang came over and said, "please give way, good dogs are not in the way."

Zhao Liying's face was all white.

Shuangshuang didn't want to waste a second on him. She passed him and went to the pharmacy. At this time, she saw a delicate figure, which was Xia Xiwan.

Xia Xiwan arrived very early, now standing at the door of the pharmacy, a pair of bright Jian Tong surprise and warm looking at Shuangshuang.

Shuangshuang's heart was warm and ran forward quickly

Xia Xiwan took shuangshuangshuang's small hand and looked at her up and down several times. "Shuangshuang, how much thinner are you? Just now I didn't dare to go forward to see you surrounded by everyone like a big star. Shuangshuangshuang, you are so beautiful now."

Shuangshuang blinked with alacrity, "wanwan, it's all your credit. Your medicated diet formula is so effective. I want to thank you very much."

Xia Xiwan draws up her red lips and whispers, "then you have already thank you, with Datura flowers!"

The two girls chatted happily, but Zhao Liying was frozen in the same place. Originally, he looked at Shuangshuang, who had been transformed into a great transformation, still had a sense of pride. When he was just dreaming, shuangshuangshuang threw down a basin of cold water. A "dog in the way" sent him away thousands of miles away. He also regarded him as air. Zhao Liying couldn't even hear his breath, and all his pride and vanity were gone.

At this time, the low laughter of those colleagues rang out in my ears,

it seems that Shuangshuang really doesn't like Zhao group Zhao Liying.

What a nice girl she is. She used to cook and deliver breakfast to Zhao Liying. Later, he transferred her love to Xia Yanyan and endured his many humiliations. If I had only kicked Zhao Liying.

It is said that every fat girl is a potential stock. Shuangshuang is now gorgeous and has become so beautiful. There must be a lot of boys chasing her in the future.

What do you mean by that? Do you want to go after both?

Zhao Liying's two hands hanging on the side of his body tightly pulled into a fist. The sense of shame and the blow from both sides stirred his heart and made him embarrassed to the extreme.

At this time, there was a commotion around him, "look, Xia Yanyan is coming!"

Here comes Xia Yanyan!

The microblog drama has just ended, and the waste heat is still there. Now Xia Xiwan and Xia Yanyan are in the same frame for the first time. Everyone's eyes quickly ignite the fire of gossip.

Xia Yanyan's face is very haggard today, she also did not wear those delicate colors in the usual days, she wore a black dress, the whole person showed a bit of morbid pallor.

Zhao Liying calm a lot, quickly went to the side of Xia Yanyan, "Yan Yan, are you ok?"

Xia Yanyan shook her head, soft judo voice, "group leader Zhao, I'm sorry, it's all I've implicated you."

This kind of Xia Yanyan added a little bit of pity. Zhao Liying quickly said, "Yan Yan, don't say that. You are the most innocent."

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