The teller looked at Qianqian flatteringly, "beauty, your eyes are good. This watch is very suitable for this gentleman."

"Help me take out this watch." Qianqian said.

"Yes." the teller warmly opened the window.

At this time, a low voice sounded in my ear, "No."

Ye Ming refused.

Qianqian was stunned. "Dashan, don't you like this watch?"

"I don't like it."

With that, Ye Ming left.


Ye Ming leaves the mall and leans lazily on the car body.

At this time, the scorpion came out and patted him on the shoulder. "Qianqian bought you a watch. Why don't you? As long as it's rice, we can eat soft rice and hard rice."

Ye Ming hooks his lips, "I'd rather be hungry than eat soft food."

"Have ambition!" the scorpion praised sincerely and falsely, and then took out two stacks of red notes, "here's your salary this month."

Ye Ming took out forty pieces of red money, clicked it, and took one more. He stuffed that one into the scorpion, "four thousand, just right."

He doesn't want any extra money.

The scorpion picked his eyebrow and took back the money. "What do you want to buy with your first salary?"

"No idea."

Ye Ming really didn't think about it. In the past, he was a big man. He was so rich that he didn't bring cash when he went out.

In the past three years, he hid in the mountains. He was short of money for those children, but he lived alone and could not die of hunger.

Over time, he didn't know how to spend the cash.

This is really his first time to get paid.

"If you have a woman you like, go and buy her some jewelry. Women like it." the scorpion gave her an idea.

Is it?

Ye Ming lifted her thin lips, and her smile overflowed with love.


In the mall.

The teller chatted with another teller, "just now there came a man who had no money. A beautiful woman gave him a limited edition watch. He still doesn't want it. It's really hypocritical."

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of "Dong Dong Dong" in my ears.

When the teller looked back, Ye Ming went back and forth. He copied one hand into his trouser pocket, took out the other palm, knocked on the glass window with his sharp bone joints, and raised his handsome eyelids. His deep and sharp eyes stared at the teller faintly.

The teller turned pale and his scalp was numb at a glance.

"First... Sir, what do you want to buy?" the teller stammered.

Ye Ming takes back his eyes and looks under the window. Soon his eyes are attracted by a lipstick.

Pure bright red looks gorgeous and dazzling.

"How much is this?" he asked.

"Sir, the shell of this lipstick is made of 18K pure gold, and it is a pure handmade lipstick. The unit price is 3999."


He just got paid, four thousand dollars.

"OK, just this one. Wrap it for me."

"Yes, sir." the teller dared not neglect it any more. After all, Ye Ming's aura was there, and the teller was still very afraid.


In the luxury car, Ye Ming is driving in the driver's seat. The scorpion has something to deal with and left first, so there are he Bing and Qianqian on the car.

He Bing sits in the back seat and Qianqian sits in the co driver's seat.

"Dashan, just now my brother said he paid you 4000 yuan. Would you please invite me to have supper?"

Ye Ming's two big rough palms pressed on the steering wheel, and his eyes didn't look at Qianqian. "I have only one dollar in my pocket."

"How could it be? I don't believe it." Qianqian thought he was perfunctory.

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