She stretched out her white and tender little hand and pushed him back. Today, wearing thin high-heeled shoes made her more beautiful. She silently recalled her red lips, "go back and clean up you!"

With that, she twisted the little man's waist and went upstairs. When she left, she also looked at the scorpion, "I can't wear that kind of clothes. Come if you want, don't come to find other women!"

Her delicate and beautiful figure disappeared into everyone's sight.

Ye Ming still stood there, looking at the girl's cold and arrogant figure. He rolled his Adam's apple up and down.

His whole body is like rolling coals. He really wants to press her down now. The little rabbit wants to clean him up.

The Scorpion was also angry. He looked at Ye Ming with his side eyes.

Ye Ming has no expression change. He casually copies his big palm into his trouser pocket to prevent the scorpion from seeing the change under his pants.

"Dashan, let you go back to bed early tonight. I'm going to have a spring snack." the scorpion went upstairs laughing.


There are only Ye Ming and Qianqian left in the living room. Qianqian stepped forward, "Dashan, listen to me..."

Ye Ming raised his rough and sharp fingers, pulled the thin black belt tied around his neck and threw it in the trash can. Without looking at Qianqian, he turned and went out.

He stood on the lawn outside the villa and blew the cold wind to disperse the heat and dryness.

At this time, Qianqian followed out. Her eyes looked down and glanced at Ye Ming's black trousers. Her little face turned red and her eyes rippled with autumn eyes.

"Dashan, listen to me." Qianqian came forward and took Ye Ming's healthy arm.

Ye Ming lowered his eyes and stared at her hand.

Silent and fierce.

Qianqian's small face turned white and took back her hand in an instant.

"Don't forget your identity. If you dare to make up her mind again, you won't have any good fruit!" then ye Ming left.

Qianqian looked at the man's back and trembled. He... Threatened her?

She just bought a few clothes back, and he taught her for that he Bing?

When did she receive such a cold reception and grievance as a leader?

Qianqian's lips gave a sneer.


Upstairs in the room.

The scorpion went in to take a bath. He Bing took off his high heels, put on white gloves and began to search the drawer.

No private seal found.

There is no private safe here, nor in the drawer. There is only one possibility, on the scorpion.

He Bing stood up straight. She took off her thin high heels gracefully.

At this time, a low, unhappy voice came from my ear, "put your shoes on!"

The red behind her ears is not a kiss mark, but a small eavesdropping tracker is implanted into her skin, so her every move is monitored by Ye Ming to ensure her 100% personal safety.

In order to cooperate with this action, FIU people have also lurked in the dark and surrounded the villa.

As long as she gets her seal, she can arrest the scorpion.

Hearing Ye Ming's voice, he Bing recalled his red lips and put on his high-heeled shoes in no hurry.

This man is so overbearing.

But she was very useful.

At this time, with a "Da", the door of the bathroom opened. The scorpion who had taken a bath came out in a pajama. Looking at the beautiful shadow of he Bing, he couldn't wait to rush over, "Bingbing baby."

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