"Scorpion master, I don't understand what you mean."

The scorpion clapped twice, "bring people in."

Two men came in and brought a man.

He Bing's pupil shrinks. It's xueniang!

Xueniang is miserable now. She has been tortured and covered with blood. Her hands and feet are soft and hanging. She has been interrupted. Two men dragged her in and dragged blood all the way.

He Bing's eyes quickly overflowed with penetrating cold. She looked at the scorpion, "what did you do to xueniang?"

"I want to know who the mountain really is, and how I can't find it, so I invited the snow lady. Fortunately, I had an eyeliner in the underground palace. Otherwise, the snow mother would be taken away by the mountain people. They all said that the bitch was heartless. I never expected that the snow girl would bring a piece of chaste clean Memorial Hall. No matter what I tried to do, she would not bring up the mountain."

Xueniang collapsed on the ground. Her hands and feet were useless. She stared at the scorpion with hatred, "you don't deserve to know the name of Dashan!"

"Smelly women!" the two men wanted to beat xueniang again.

The scorpion stretched out his hand to stop it. He came to xueniang and squatted down with a sharp knife in his hand. He scratched on xueniang's face with a sharp knife tip, "xueniang, I'll give you one last chance. Do you say it? If you don't say it, I'll scrawl the word bitch on your face and let you be a prostitute for life."

Xueniang sneered. Her clothes were stained with fresh blood, but she was strong, "bah! Do you think I would be afraid?"

If the scorpion hadn't avoided it, xueniang would spit on his face.

The scorpion's face was overcast. "It's really a toast, not a penalty."

The sharp knife in his hand stabbed xueniang in the face.

Xueniang didn't blink, staring at him with hatred.

The scorpion suddenly stopped. He smiled strangely and dropped the knife in his hand. "Xueniang, I know you're not afraid of death. It's better to change your way of death. I have dozens of brothers here. I'll let them line up to round you until they kill you."

Xueniang was stunned and turned pale. She shook her teeth and scolded, "you beast!"

The scorpion looked at the two men and said, "this woman is yours."

"Thank you, master scorpion."

The two men immediately stepped forward and reached out to pick xueniang's clothes.

"Get away!" xueniang broke her hands and feet and couldn't move, so she bit one of her men.


The man raised his hand and slapped xueniang.

Snow Niang fell powerlessly to the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, her pupils began to relax, fell in the blood, humiliated she hooked her lips, so sad and pitiful.

The scorpion looked at xueniang with a smile. This is the end of all those who betrayed him.

At this time, a strong wind hit the side of the body. The scorpion looked sideways. He Bing bounced up from the bed, opened his five fingers and attacked him.

The scorpion sidestepped.

He Bing stopped and attacked the two men.

She raised her foot and kicked the crotch of one of her men, and the other small hand attacked the back neck of the other man like a knife.

The two men fell down quickly.

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