Ye Ming is coming out.

The soldiers turned their heads, and their adoring eyes looked forward.

"Wow, chief Ye is coming!"

The melon eaters also stared.

He Bing stood in the sea of people and looked at it with everyone's eyes.

In the distance came a tall and strong body, wearing a military uniform, with golden pine branches and three Venus on his shoulders. The first-class general, with a black belt around his waist, tied his developed abdominal muscles. Ye Ming walked slowly with a steady pace.

He Bing's eyes turned red. She often dreamed that he looked like wearing a military uniform. It turned out that he could exceed her imagination.

She slowly stretched out her little hand, through the iron fence and extended to the front. One day, he stood in the center of thousands of people and enjoyed his glory.

She hooked her lips and big tears fell down, blurring her sight in an instant.

She's happy. She's really happy.

And have glory.

He Bing looked at the front with tearful eyes. There stood an incomparably tall body on the high steps. At the moment, the dawn was incomparably bright. He was bathed in the dazzling and warm golden yellow and attracted everyone's attention and admiration.

Whose life can be like him, thick and experienced the vicissitudes of life, and finally live as an example and belief in the bottom of others' hearts.

He finally found his own sky. After that, like an eagle, he was finally going to fly high.

No one can stop him.

For so many years, he went from darkness to light, and in an instant, he was golden.

He Bing stretched out her little hand and pressed her heart. Her heart was faint with pain and sadness. Joy grew madly from the bottom of her heart like a vine.

These love, sweet, painful, all because of him.


Then a voice sounded.

PA, all the soldiers in military uniform slapped their right leg to their left leg, and then all saluted.

The man standing on the high platform prowled around the audience, then raised his right hand and returned to a military salute.

All the noise suddenly calmed down, the wild geese passed silently, and the red flag fluttered. Whose figure has become eternal at this moment?


The medal ceremony was over, and all the onlookers began to evacuate. Someone accidentally bumped into he Bing, and he Bing suddenly blacked his eyes.

"Sorry, girl, are you all right?" the bumper apologized quickly.

He Bing closed her eyes and then opened them. She felt dizzy and dizzy.

Her little hand pressed on her heart and she felt sick.

Her face was white. She shook her head, "I'm fine..."

"Let's all give way. Chief Ye's car is coming out." then someone came out to maintain order.

He Bing stepped back a few steps and everyone consciously gave way.

At this time, a bulletproof military green jeep slowly drove out, and Ye Ming's special car came out.

This jeep is a private custom-made car. There is a brand-new black toughened film on the polished window, and people outside can't see it at all.

He Bing looked at the jeep. The jeep was a little closer and a little closer to her. She stared at it tightly and couldn't turn her eyes.

She knows. He's in there.

Although she couldn't see it, she felt a hot look falling on her through the window.

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