Professor Qian snorted, "I heard that you are now a celebrity, more famous than those popular stars, and married to the president of Lu's group, and became a rich young lady. I heard about your name in the saint Li courtyard. I came here to see you today."

People who engage in medicine like Professor Qian can't read the gossip entertainment news. Xia Yanyan must have said a lot of bad things about her in front of Professor Qian. Xia Xiwan's clear Jian Tong looks at Professor Qian frankly and doesn't speak.

Zhou Ping coughed, "Xia Xiwan, please pour Professor Qian a cup of tea."

"Good." Xia Xiwan comes forward and pours tea to Professor Qian.

Professor Qian looked at Xia Xiwan, "how old are you this year?"

Xia Xiwan, "I just had my 20th birthday."

"20 years old? A 20-year-old girl in a good family is still studying. Why don't you study? What's your major? Who are you studying from

Generally, 20-year-old girls do study in college. For example, Ye Ling is now in the entertainment industry, but she is still a sophomore at Nortel.

At this time, Xia Yanyan quickly said with a smile, "tutor, Wan Wan, she just graduated from high school, and she didn't have any diploma, major, or teacher..."

In fact, in the medical profession, teachers are very particular about their own appearance and signboard. For example, Xia Yanyan follows Professor Qian. When Professor Qian comes, she looks radiant.

"What?" Professor Qian frowned and quickly looked at Zhou Ping. "Director Zhou, Xia Xiwan only graduated from high school. You can accept such a degree. When did the threshold of privy become so low?"

Zhou Ping, like Professor Qian, attaches great importance to a person's diploma and medical experience, but Xia Xiwan has no one and his background is not clear.

Zhou Ping smiles awkwardly. She can't say that Xia Xiwan was parachuted by our headmaster. Moreover, the headmaster's attitude towards Xia Xiwan is so bad that he recommends himself as a teacher of Xia Xiwan!

"Professor Qian, have tea and tea." Zhou Ping digs the subject.

But Professor Qian was very dissatisfied. "Xia Xiwan, a girl must pay attention to her own conduct, education and cultivation, rather than engage in evil and foul things all day long. Yan Yan is my favorite student. She is very talented and talented in medicine. You may not be able to reach the height of Yan Yan all your life, but you can't abandon yourself and be willing to fall Fall. "

Professor Qian is a literati. She always scolds people with literary sophistication. Her disdain and dislike to Xia Xiwan have already appeared on the paper.

Xia Yanyan is very proud. A few days ago, she was still sick. Today, her lips are red and her teeth are white. She stands beside Professor Qian and looks down at Xia Xiwan.

Even if Xia Xiwan is more powerful, it is still an empty shelf. How can a medical waste fight with her medical genius?

When she stinks Xia Xiwan's reputation, Lu Hanting will naturally reject her and divorce her!

Xia Xiwan poured a cup of tea for Professor Qian, then said with a smile, "Professor Qian, I have been taught, and I will work hard in the future."

Professor Qian and Xia Yanyan both feel that their fists have been smashed on the cotton. The summer evening clothes are soft and hard, and they are very slippery.

"Director Zhou, I came here today to borrow a copy of the Da Luo Xin Jing from the privy. I heard that the Da Luo Xin Jing is in your library. Why don't you ask Xia Xiwan to find it for me now?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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