
As soon as this fell, the whole audience sucked.

Who could have thought that the infamous love case that had been firmly established had been reversed, and Lu Yi overturned everything.

"I was there that night. As for what the three of us did on the balcony, I'm sorry, no comment, because it's privacy. In short, Zhao Hanhan and I can't date Lin Mo at the same time, so Lin Mo's date with Zhao Hanhan on the balcony is a rumor. I think the school should catch the rumor monger and severely punish the innocent!" Lu's voice resounded.

No one spoke. The scene was quiet. You could hear a needle drop on the ground.

Lu Zhen himself added in and proved the innocence between Lin Mo and Zhao Hanhan. The development of things exceeded everyone's imagination.

Youling looked at Lu Yu in shock. She wondered if Lu Yu was crazy. For a Lin Mo, she put herself in. On the balcony late at night, Lu Xiaohua and her predecessor Zhao Xiaohua gathered on the balcony to meet Lin mo. did she consider the consequences?

Tomorrow, the news will explode in No. 1 middle school. The students will talk behind their backs. Countless versions of short stories will spread. Does Lu Yu want fame? Why should she take herself in?

Lu Zhen knew what the consequences would be, but she didn't care. It was because of her after all. When it subsided, the relationship between her and Lin Mo ended.

She won't talk to him anymore.

When the whole audience was shocked, President Yang came back. President Yang is a highly respected professor. He said, "it seems that I came back at the right time. Since classmate Lu has explained the misunderstanding clearly, let's break up."

"But President Yang, Lin Mo, he......" Mr. Ge still wants to struggle.

President Yang waved his hand, "it's a normal procedure for Lin Mo to enter No. 1 middle school. If any of you have doubts, you can ask the Education Bureau to investigate. This is the end of puppy love. Let Lin Mo and Zhao Hanhan resume class tomorrow."

This time, President Yang's attitude is very tough. You can hear that President Yang also favors Lin mo.

As for why he protected Lin Mo's infamous problem boy, no one knows.

Also, there is no answer to how Lin Mo entered No. 1 middle school.

Everyone is over.

Everyone left. President Yang came to Lu Yu's side, "Lu Yu, are you friends with Lin Mo?"

Who is his friend?

Lu Yi quickly denied that she didn't want to talk about Lin Mo anymore. "No, I don't know him well. I just state the facts. Headmaster Yang, I went back to class."

Lu Yu went straight away.

President Yang stood where he was. He thought it was interesting. One was Princess Lu, the daughter of heaven, and the other was a gifted problem teenager. It was really interesting.

President Yang entered the office and dialed a telephone number.

The end was connected without delay, and a indifferent magnetic voice came, "hello."

"Hey, ah Mo, it's me, Lao Yang." the head of school Yang approached happily.

That end is Lin mo.

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