He found the girl!

Xiao Wu is surprised. This year, he has been with his Er Shao. He doesn't see what girl Er Shao contacts with. Where did she find this girl? What's sacred?

Xiaowu is very curious about this girl. He wants to see the arrogant second Shao into such a girl.

Lu Yinyin in the phone was also stunned for a moment, "did you find it? And then? "

Lu Zixian hooked a thin lip, "no, then She doesn't remember me. She's married

"What?" Lu Yinyin can't believe it.

Of course, I can't believe it. Xiao Wu has already opened his mouth. What is the condition of his second young son? His father is a business emperor, and his mother is the founder of fly jewelry. He has been the youngest academician of the imperial capital since he was 20 years old. He is the youngest academician in the imperial capital.

The operation on the street caused a sensation in the whole capital city. A chief knife and a good needle were good stories. It was reasonable to fall in love with each other.

How come Er Shao never forgets here, but other girls don't remember him, and they get married so soon?

Xiao Wu breaks his head and can't think out who this girl is. If you want to say that Er Shao has contacted any girl, it's only Xia Xiwan.

Xiao Wu can feel the difference between ER Shao and Xia Xiwan. Let's take it just now. Er Shao asked him to beat Zhao Liying, and handed over the Heart Sutra of Da Luo to Xia Xiwan.

The second youngest of his family is not a person who likes to meddle in his affairs. How can he manage to get over the girl who likes him so much?

All of a sudden, Xiao Wu's whole person is stiff, his ear is like a magic spell, she has married

Oh, my God!

Xiao Wu's head "boom" burst open, isn't it Is that girl Summer sunset?

However, Xia Xiwan has already married, and she is not married to anyone else. She has married big and little!

Xia Xiwan is er Shao's sister-in-law!

Xiao Wu can't even hear his breath. He is so shocked that he seems to have peeped into ER Shao's secret, which is hard to accept for a moment.

At this time, a gust of wind blew the paper on Lu Zixian's table, revealing the paper on the bottom of which was a picture of a man.

It was a girl with a veil on her face.

This person Xiaowu can't be more familiar with. It's really Summer sunset!

Lu Yinyin said on the phone, "Zixian, the girl who can join hands with you to have a street operation is amazing, so she won't support you to come to Haicheng at the beginning. However, since the girl has already been married, it means that you are not meant to be separated. Don't be sad, because your aunt knows a talented medical girl. Zixian, your aunt can guarantee that you will I like this talented girl

Lu Zixian drooped his beautiful eyelids. "Say it again. If it's OK, I'll hang up first."

"Let's talk again when we meet. Zixian, you must come to Youlan garden in the evening!" Lu Yinyin had to remind her.

Lu Zixian hung up the phone directly.


Xia Xiwan gives the Heart Sutra of Da Luo to Professor Qian. Professor Qian doesn't embarrass her any more and asks her to go back.

Xia Yanyan looks silly. Zhao Liying has not hidden this Da Luo Heart Sutra. How could Xia Xiwan get it?

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