Xia Xiwan: blame me.

"Xi Wan, to get to the point, I've flown to Haicheng today. I'm calling you because I'm going to have a small dinner party in two days. I want to invite you to join us. Do you have time?" Lu Yinyin is looking forward to asking.

This dinner party is the one that Xia Yanyan showed off just now. If she goes, Xia Yanyan's expression will be wonderful, but Xia Xiwan doesn't immediately agree because she wants to ask Lu Hanting.

"Thank you for your invitation, headmaster, but I can't give you an answer now."

"Well, I'll wait for you, Xiwan. You must make time to come. If you don't come, the dinner will be meaningless!" Lu Yinyin made every effort to invite.


Xia Xiwan should be down, and then hang up the phone, she began to study Datura flowers, must be Mr. Lu cured as soon as possible.

Soon it was six o'clock in the evening and everyone was off work. At this time, a string of melodious cell phone rings rang again, this time from Mr. Lu.

Xia Xiwan quickly connected, the voice sweet way, "Hello, Mr. Lu, are you off work?"

"Well, I'm off work and just left the company. Mrs. Lu, I find you are busier than me. You are still in the Research Institute. Do you have overtime pay for working overtime like this?" Lu Hanting made fun of her in a low voice.

Xia Xiwan's bright eyes twinkled with the light of looking at the flow. She did not intend to tell him about the datura flower. After all, there was a great risk in testing poison and refining medicine. If Mr. Lu knew about it, he would certainly stop her.

"Mr. Lu, come to pick me up from work now."

"Not now. I want to go back to Youlan garden."

"Go back to see grandma? I haven't seen grandma for days. Take me back with me

Lu Hanting was driving. His two big hands with distinct bony joints pressed on the steering wheel. His handsome eyebrows and eyes were filled with a touch of tenderness and love. However, when he heard Xia Xiwan say that he would go back with him, he pursed his thin lips. "Not today, I'll go back to get a document. Darling, I'll pick you up in about an hour and take you to dinner."

Xia Xiwan didn't think much about it and nodded, "well, I'll have a seafood dinner."

"Well, I'll ask the Secretary to locate the position in advance."


You Lan Yuan.

Lu Yinyin arrived early. She got off the plane and went straight here to see her old mother, who was her mother.

In the living room, Lu Yinyin gave all the dolls in a suitcase to the old lady and leaned on the old lady's shoulder, "Mom, you said that you have been in Haicheng for such a long time. When will you go back to the imperial capital? I usually work so busy, it's very difficult to meet you. Besides, you don't want your brother. That's your son."

The old lady loves her daughter very much. Lu Yinyin inherits her beauty when she was young. Now she is well maintained. She wears a beige silk shirt with a bow and a black skirt underneath. At first glance, she looks like she is in her thirties.

The old lady touched Lu Yinyin's curly hair and said with a kind smile, "I don't want to go back for the time being. I want to stay here with cold ting."

Lu Hanting and Lu Zixian are both Lu Yinyin's nephews. But when it comes to Lu Hanting, Lu Yinyin's body is stiff for a moment. "Mom, you're always so partial. You're not only one grandson. You've spent your mind and time on Han Ting these years. Did you care about Zixian? He's also coming to Haicheng."

"Well, Zixian is here, too? I don't worry about Zixian. Isn't he spoiled by you

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