Lin buran's fingertips began to tremble, because she knew that she was the girl's double!

In the photo, the girl is holding his mother's arm intimately, which is obviously liked by his mother. The photo should be taken by Zhang Han. This girl is his favorite.

Because she was seven or eight points similar to the girl, Zhang Han took a fancy to her. If the maintenance agreement failed, he designed a series of things to push her into hell.

At this time, with a "Da", the door of the bathroom suddenly opened, and Zhang Han took a cold bath and came out.

"What are you doing..." Zhang Han's words stopped suddenly because he saw Lin buran holding his picture in his hand.

He looked cold, walked forward quickly, grabbed the photo from Lin buran's hand, "who asked you to move my things, Lin buran, are you looking for death?"

Zhang Han was angry. He roared ferociously and raised his hand to fan Lin buran's face.

Lin buran didn't avoid it. Not only did he not avoid her, but also bravely greeted him with a slap. "You fight, anyway, you haven't fought."

He slapped her in the face in the year he imprisoned her. His bones were very dark, violent and terrible.

Lin buran is quiet and beautiful. Her mother's early death makes her sensible earlier. She is very filial. She knows to take care of her brother and loves design, which makes her full of fantasy, hope and expectation for the world.

In her bones, she is clean, warm and pure. She is very different from Zhang Han.

Maybe she was afraid of Zhang Han before, but now she is not afraid at all.

People who have died once are afraid of what?

There is no more difficult time in life than cutting her wrists. She has survived.

Looking at her stubborn eyebrows and eyes like a small beast, he boldly contradicted him with a sense of pity. Zhang Han's hand was frozen in the air and couldn't fan down.

"You don't fight? If you don't fight, I'll go to bed. I'm very sleepy." Lin buran got up, opened the quilt and lay down.

Curled up on the side of the bed.

Zhang Han was really angry. He was laughed with anger. He found that her courage was getting stronger and stronger.

Put the photo back in his wallet, Zhang Han opened the quilt and lay beside her, "turn around and sleep in my arms."

Lin Bu ran didn't move, but sneered, "she likes to sleep in your arms, too?"

Zhang Han's handsome eyebrows sank directly, and the atmosphere became tense again.

"No wonder you like me so much to wear white skirts. You always let me wear them. At first, I thought you had a hobby for white skirts. Now I know it's the white moonlight that hurts when you touch it."

Zhang Han's face was very bad. His thin lips moved. He suddenly smiled and said, "why, are you jealous?"

be jealous?

Lin Bu ran just felt very sad and pitiful. Even the knife that cut his wrist was ridiculous.

She is just a shadow, a burial object, a souvenir of his beautiful past with the girl.


It's not worth it.

At the moment, all the holes in Lin buran's heart have become the hardest armor. She has a strength. She wants to protect her brother. She wants to leave here. She will no longer allow anyone to trample and humiliate her wantonly.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Zhang Han stretched out his arm, turned her around and held her in his arms. "She's gone, so don't mention her again in the future. You should be glad I can't forget her, because how unforgettable I am to her will be how good I am to you. It's your blessing to be like her."

The white moonlight in his heart doesn't allow her to touch it, not even mention it.

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