Looking at this grandson and grandson singing and harmonizing, Lu Yinyin's face has become dignified, "Han Ting, you are the legitimate eldest son of the Lu family. Now you have married a wife who only graduated from high school and came back from the countryside. Your father will be angry if he knows about it. Moreover, your father has found a marriage for you, and the other party is the daughter of a rich family..."

did not wait until Lu Yinyin finished saying that Lu Ting had already started. He had interrupted Lu Yin's words. "My father has never been in charge of me. My marriage is not needed. I has the final say."

Lu Yinyin

"Aunt, Zixian, I'm leaving first." Lu Hanting took the car key and left the villa.

Lu Yinyin looked at the old lady quickly, "Mom, you don't care about this. The Lu family is the rich and powerful family of the imperial capital. How can Han Ting marry a vulgar and shallow wife?"

Mrs. Lu hums and laughs, "I agree to this marriage. If my son is not satisfied with anything, he can come to me directly."

Lu Yinyin once again, "..."


Lu Hanting left, and Lu Zixian didn't stay here for dinner. Lu Yinyin sent Lu Zixian out of the house and whispered, "Zixian, your brother and your grandmother don't know what to do. How can you marry a girl from the countryside? What's more, I think your brother and your grandmother are mysterious. It's like hiding some baby and not wanting to let people know. It's funny."

Lu Yinyin is the president of Shengli college. She is also the daughter of the Lu family. She is in contact with rich and powerful families or medical talents. Even if the girl who comes back from the countryside wants to see her, she needs to make an appointment.

Lu Zixian drooped his beautiful eyelids and did not speak.

Lu Yinyin doesn't want to focus on Lu Hanting. His body is a time bomb. You can marry any woman you like.

Lu Yinyin took Lu Zixian's hand. "Zixian, the marriage of the rich and powerful families will never be used on you. You can marry the girl you like. As long as she is innocent and talented, she is a proud girl enough to match you."

Lu Yinyin thought of one thing, and she sighed, "Zixian, your fiancee doesn't know where she is now. She's Lin Shuiyao's daughter. Lin Shuiyao is a legendary woman. Probably no one knows that Lin Shuiyao is the founder of Shengli courtyard. After her success, she lost it to me, and she disappeared with her daughter I don't know what it looks like when I grow up. Is she also a gifted medical girl? In fact, this marriage is excellent. You and Lin Shuiyao's daughter are made in heaven. "

Lu Zixian is not very interested in these topics, he gently pulled back his arm, "aunt, I'll go first."

Looking at Lu Zixian's cool and beautiful figure, Lu Yinyin quickly reminds her, "Zixian, don't forget the dinner after two days, and don't forget to make a blind date with that talented girl I like!"

Lu Zixian has disappeared in sight.

Lu Yinyin is in a better mood. She really loves Xia Xiwan. From the bottom of her heart, she has already regarded Xia Xiwan as her second nephew's daughter-in-law. She is sure that Zixian, who is indifferent now, will fall in love with Xia Xiwan at first sight at the dinner party.


Lu Hanting was driving, and the Rolls Royce phantom luxury car was speeding on the road. At this time, the mobile phone rang. It was the old lady who called.

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