I don't know whether he is too sharp or Lu Yu is guilty. She has a feeling that she has been seen through, "I know. Let's go to class."

Lu ran away quickly.

Looking at her fleeing figure, Lin Mo's eyes were dark. He knew she was lying.

Lin Mo took out his mobile phone. His slender fingers moved quickly on the mobile phone keyboard. Soon he conquered the firewall of Lu Yu's mobile phone, and the text messages in her mobile phone popped out.

Yang Xuechang.

There was a man named Yang Xuechang in her mobile phone. Yang Xuechang asked her to go to the bookstore after school, and she promised.

Just now, she really lied.

She's lying to him!

Lin Mo's fingers curled up and pulled the mobile phone tightly. A gloomy anger rushed out of his chest. He wanted to catch Lu Yu now, question her and let her explain.

But he held back.

He still believes in her and wants to give her a chance.


One day soon came down. After school, Lu Zhen packed his books and put on his schoolbag.

At this time, Lin Mo came over, "after school, I'll take you home."

Lu Yi thought of his agreement with Yang qingti and quickly refused, "Lin Mo, you don't have to send me. I... I'll go home with charming. If you're here, charming will feel embarrassed and uncomfortable."

Lin Mo didn't speak and stared at Lu Yu for a few seconds.

Lu Yu was a little guilty. She was about to say something more. Lin Mo suddenly said, "OK, I won't see you off. Pay attention to safety on the road."

Is he so talkative?

Lu Yu didn't have time to think about it. "OK, Lin Mo, bye."


Lu Yi rushed to the mall. Yang qingti had been waiting for a long time. They entered the bookstore.

In the bookstore, Yang qingti chose a book, "Lu Yi, this book is very difficult. It is also related to the digital programming competition. Just buy this for your friend?"

"OK." Lu zhe nodded.

Yang qingti put the book at the cashier. "Hello, help me wrap this book. How much is it?"

Yang qingti is ready to scan the code for payment.

"Yang Xuechang, you don't have to pay. I'll come." Lu Yi refused.

"This book doesn't cost much. I'll come."

"No," Lu Yu scanned the code first. "Yang Xuechang, if you paid, you gave him this book, but I think I gave him this book."

Yang qingti's action stagnated. It turned out that this was the reason. She wanted to give the book to the "him" herself.

Yang qingti found himself a clown.

Lu Yu didn't notice Yang qingti's ugly face. She bought another bookmark and wrote a few words on the bookmark with a pen --- Lin Mo, come on.

After thinking about it, she added a sentence --- in my heart, you are the best!

Lu Yu pressed the bookmark in this material with satisfaction, "Yang Xuechang, let's go back."

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