Yang qingti's sight was black because the man in black put a snake skin bag directly on his head.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

When Yang qingti struggled, he felt himself lifted up. He smelled the damp and dark smell all the way. The man in black threw him rudely in an alley, and then punched and kicked him like a storm.

"Ah! Help, help!" Yang qingti's scream sounded.

At this time, an extended black business luxury car slowly came to the roadside. The rear window slid down, revealing Lin Mo's handsome face.

The man in black, led by him, respectfully stood by the door and reported, "little Lord, I have taught this man a lesson."

Lin Mo gently lifted his eyelids and looked into the alley. Yang qingti's scream was weak.

Lin Mo took back his eyes and coughed low.

"Little Lord, your arm is bleeding again!"

Lin Mo was injured in the car crash just now. He just asked his private doctor to do a simple bandage and went to find Lu Yu. Now his arm is bleeding again, and the blood has soaked a large area of his black shirt.

"Little Lord, we'd better go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination." the man in black was worried and advised.

Lin Mo's face was a little pale. He shook his head silently. "No, I know my body. I'm fine."

"Young master..." the man in black wanted to persuade him.

But then Lin Mo suddenly said, "clean up. We'll leave here early tomorrow morning."


The man in black was stunned and didn't understand Lin Mo's meaning. "Young Lord, where are we going from here?"

Lin Mo, "go home."

"But little Lord, your task has not been completed yet. Lu Zhen is there..."

Before the man in black finished, a string of melodious mobile phone rings and Lin Mo calls.

Lin Mo pressed the button to connect, and an old voice quickly came from the end, "ah Mo, what do you mean, have you forgotten your mission?"

There was no emotional wave between Lin Mo's eyebrows and eyes. The sparse light was plated on his side face and cast a dark silhouette. "I didn't forget that my task of this trip is Lu Yu, but I can't complete this task. I gave up Lu Yu."

"Ah Mo, why did you give up Lu Yu?"

"Because... She doesn't like me and can't get her heart, it's difficult for me to control her. If I keep pestering, it's just a waste of time. I don't want to waste time on her."


"There are many ways to take revenge. It's undoubtedly the stupidest way to start from Lu Yu, and I don't want to start from a woman," said Lin Mo lazily into the seat. He hooked his lips and spilled some Falcon like sharp light in his deep eyes. "For me, without Lu Yu, the pace of revenge will only be faster."

The end was silent for a few seconds. "Ah Mo, you really decided to leave tomorrow."


"Little princess Lu Yu..."

"She and I are not the same people. She will soon forget me. When we meet again, she is princess Lanlou or the first princess, and I am the little Lord of the kingdom of mackerel. I have never been more sober than now. I understand my responsibility and mission. When we meet again, she will understand who I am and I will not show mercy to her."

Lin Mo's voice is very weak. Yang qingti's appearance tonight made him completely give up Lu Yu.

He and Lu Yu are people from two worlds. He was born to balance the pros and cons, choose gains and losses, and be rational enough to never make mistakes. He deeply understands that he has invested too much in Lu Yu. If he doesn't cut off the water, he will be controlled by her.

When she knows who he is, she will hate him.

And he will not show mercy to her.

Her Lanlou, her fiance, her close relatives... He won't let go of any of them.

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