It turned out that he appeared a few years ago.

It turned out that this was his first meeting with her.

Lu Yu always thought that their first encounter was the encounter between a teenager and a girl outside the campus of No. 1 middle school. It turned out that the truth was that the young master of the kingdom of mackerel deliberately approached the princess Lanlou.

But she still doesn't believe it.

"You said all this was designed by Lin Mo, but Lin Mo has a sister. He can risk his life with a knife in order not to dye his sister. It can't be pretending!" Lu Zhen tried to explain.

Prince Rosen directly interrupted Lu Zhen, "can you stop being so naive? They are all fake and fake. Lin buran is not Shangguan Mo's sister at all. All this is just the human design created by Shangguan Mo in front of you, which makes you like his human design."

Then Prince Rosen took out several kinds of evidence, "see for yourself, the reason why Lin buran can escape Zhang Han's clutches. Do you think Lin buran can do it alone? No, it's Shangguan Mo's secret help."

"Lin Bu ran knows what he does. He's making plans. If you think back, does Lin Bu ran behave very sad after he left? Every day he gets drunk in the bar and dreams of death. It's all acting. He's attracting you. Wake up, my fool."

Lu Zhen remembers that after his sister buran disappeared, he was very depressed and lingered in the bar every day. Then she went to him. He kissed her at the corner of the alley while he was drunk.

Then he told her that he was alone when his sister left. He took her hand and told her not to go and let her be his girlfriend.

Lu Yu's white eyes slowly turned red, and her white fingers tightened the photo. Once the sweet moment she thought turned into a huge lie and irony at such a moment. She really didn't understand how talented he was and how talented he needed to perform so well and really.

At this time, the luxury car suddenly stopped. Rosen opened the rear door, "get off, get off."

Lu Lu got out of the car.

"Ho Ho, do you think it looks familiar here?"

Lu Zhen looked at it and nodded, "it seems that Yang Qing took me home that night, but how did there be such a big impact trace on the road?"

"Pang Pang, you remember right. Yang qingti drove you home in a sports car that night. In fact, Shangguan Mo followed you all the way. On the way, he suddenly accelerated and wanted to... Kill Yang qingti and you!"

Lu Yu seemed to be unable to breathe. She looked at Rosen in a daze. All that echoed in her ears was that Lin Mo wanted to kill Yang qingti and you!

That night, Yang qingti turned pale and her legs were soft. She told her that there was a car following them, like drunk driving, as if to kill them. At that time, she didn't care. It turned out that it was true.

That man is Lin mo.

He used to kill her.

He tried to kill her.

"In fact, there are still many things, such as Zhao Hanhan. The evidence that Zhao Hanhan pushed you down the cliff has long been held by Shangguan Mo, but he destroyed the evidence and deliberately asked you to fall in love with him."

"Ho Ho, the nature of the kingdom of chimaeras cannot be changed. They are dark, cunning, cruel and sick. Guan Mo is designing you all the way. He wants to get your love, and then uses your hand to deal with your parents, your big brother and me. When he can't get you, he will ruthlessly destroy you. He doesn't have half sincerity and a little bit to you from beginning to end Love. "


Lin Mo has arrived downstairs. He takes out his mobile phone and dials Lu Yu's number.

But no one answered.

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