"... yes."

"When I was ten years old, you targeted me and deliberately approached me, didn't you?"

"... yes."

Lin Mo doesn't know how to explain, because he can't explain. These are all true.

Lu Zhen nodded, nodded and burst into tears. She cried and laughed. Yingrun's shoulders trembled in the wind and rain. They were all true. They were all true.

Looking at her sad and painful appearance, Lin Mo felt like he had inserted a sharp knife into his heart. The knife stirred his heart and made him hurt.

"婳, I admit that all this is true. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, but... I like you, and my love for you is true."

"Like?" Lu Yu heard these two words as if he heard the biggest joke in the world. "Shangguan Mo likes me. Ha ha, the young master of the kingdom of mackerel likes me. Do you think I'm a fool? Do I think I'll believe it?"

Lin Mo knew that there was a rift between the two people, and it was difficult to be together one day. Her mind was simple. She hated being cheated in her life, and her eyes could not hold any sand. She had sentenced him to death.

Lin Mo's Danfeng eyes were stained with scarlet. He stared at her and said, "you promised me last night that you wouldn't want me. Now I ask you, do you... Don't want me?"

Lu Yu thinks he's ridiculous. He's the young leader of the kingdom of mackerels. It's very expensive. She can't afford what she wants!

LAN Lou and the mackerel are enemies of the world.

She lost her close relatives and loved ones when she was very young. She can't lose them anymore.

"Shangguan Mo, if I were you, I would show my true face of sinister, cunning, despicable and amorous now, instead of forging your affectionate young man's design at this step. You don't have a little sincerity and love for me. I'm sober and sober. I won't be confused and fooled by you anymore. We're over!"

She said - -- we're over!

Lin Mo's eyes were filled with terrible red blood. He also wanted to end it. She kept pestering. Now he's trapped. How can she say to go?

"I don't agree, I won't!" he said word by word, clenching his teeth.

Lu Yu couldn't tell whether the rain or tears on her face. She was tired. She was really tired. Her heart was hollowed out by him, the executioner!

He got her heart and abandoned it like my shoes. She will never forgive him!

Lu Yu looked at Lin Mo and said slowly and softly, "I sat by the lake and thought it was the sea. I blew the lake wind and thought it was the sea wind. I like you and I think you like me too. Originally, the lake is the lake, the sea is the sea, you are you and I am me."

"I used to like a young man. His name is Lin Mo, but Lin Mo is dead. Now standing in front of me is Shangguan mo. I don't know Shangguan Mo and don't like Shangguan Mo, so I don't like you anymore."

With that, Lu Yi turned and left.

Lin Mo stood where he was. He watched the girl's figure go away a little. He wanted to catch up, but he couldn't take a step because of the weight of a kilogram under his feet.

In fact, he also thought that she liked Lin Mo, but not his official mo.

At this time, an extended business luxury car stopped. Prince Rosen came over with a black umbrella and put it on Lu Yu's head.

Rosen stretched out his hand and gently hugged Lu Yu's shoulder.

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