"I don't mind."

"Oh, really?" Lu zhe scratched his lips. "That's right. You took those photos. As early as the year of my tenth birthday, you knew that the young master of the kingdom of mackerel was deliberately approaching me, but you didn't say it, but looked on coldly."

Prince Rosen's heart jumped. He always felt that Lu Zhen was a little white rabbit. Because he was well protected, he was too simple, had no intention, and didn't understand the dangers of the world. When he designed all this, he didn't take Lu Zhen into account. Now he suddenly found that he underestimated the princess Lu Zhen of the blue house.

"Later, the young master of the kingdom of mackerel, Lin Mo, came to me. All this must be under your control. You said Lin Mo ignored my life. Where were you when I was pushed into danger by Lin Mo?"

"Just now you said you don't mind the story between Lin Mo and me. I believe it. Of course you don't mind. The mantis catches the cicada and the Yellow finch is behind. Your yellow finch is so deep."

"You've been saying that I'm your fiancee. I can give up my fiancee to others. You can stop all this, but you choose to create all this. I really don't know why Prince Rosen has to endure so much?"

Lu Zhen looked at him calmly, as if he had seen through his heart.

Prince Rosen was a little flustered. His fluster was entirely out of... His love for her.

He really likes her.

However, he brought down Lin Mo today, but he also implicated himself. Rosen now understands that Lu Yu, who inherited such powerful genes as Xia Xiwan and Lu Hanting, how can he be an ordinary generation?

This is the real Lu Yu who can see people's hearts so thoroughly when he is sad.

"Ho Ho, I really like you," said Prince Rosen.

"Like?" Lu Zhen chewed these two words. She remembered that Lin Mo had just pulled her and said the same thing to her. "You know, Lin Mo also said he liked me just now. Lin Mo's love made me feel ridiculous, while you, Prince Rosen's love, made me feel... Terrible."

With that, Lu Zhen pushed him away, opened the door and got out of the car.

Gu charming had been waiting for a long time. She quickly ran over, "sister Pang, you're finally back. I'm so worried."

"I'm fine, charming. Let's go back."



In the luxury car, Prince Rosen watched Lu Yu disappear in his sight. He didn't look back for a long time.

"Prince, I didn't expect that Princess Lu has seen through all this. With Princess Lu's temperament, she can't tolerate Shangguan ink and prince you. Her parents and brothers love her very much. If she doesn't want to marry, the marriage will be abandoned..." whispered his subordinates.


Prince Rosen suddenly coughed twice. He took out a white square towel to cover his mouth. After coughing, there was a pool of blood on the square towel.

"Prince, you coughed up blood again! The imperial doctor followed us. I'll call the imperial doctor now!" his men panicked.

Prince Rosen raised his hand and stopped, "no, I know my body best. My time is running out."


"Just now, I asked Prince Rosen why he wanted to give up his fiancee. I can't bear it. That's a good question, because I don't have time. I'm the only prince in the royal family. Now my uncles are eyeing the throne. Once I die, they will inevitably rebel and usurp the throne. I need Lanlou's marriage and external support. I need Lu Zhe to be my first Princess, even if I die, Lu Yu can guard for me! "

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