Lu Yu looked at Shangguan Mo, and the most sad thing in the world was probably that the person in front of him was no longer his sweetheart.

Shangguan Mo also looked at Lu Yu. His four eyes were opposite. Things have changed.

Lu Lu walked over, approached him step by step, and then passed by him.

But Shangguan Mo stretched out his hand and grabbed her slender wrist.

Lu Yi was forced to stop. She said two words, "let go!"

"Ho Ho," Shangguan Mo looked at her painfully, "I don't want to let go of your hand."

Lu Yi looked up and looked into his eyes. "Can you give up your identity for me and go back to Lin Mo from Shangguan Mo?"

From Shangguan Mo to Lin Mo

Shangguan Mo's eyes were dim and unknown. Finally, he slowly released her hand.

Lu Zhen's fingers curled slightly. Look, he has made a choice.

She can understand that it's not easy for a person to give up his identity, not to mention that he didn't really like her at all.

"Ho Ho, I didn't make the photo exposed today." Shangguan Mo changed the topic and said hoarsely.

Lu Yu raised her red lips and sneered, "it wasn't you. Who would have done it? When we are together, you have too many opportunities to do it to me. Take this intimate photo in private. Although it's very mean, you're such a mean person."

In her heart, he had become a despicable person. Shangguan Mo knew he had nothing to complain about. He was such a person.

He took pictures of her, but he kept them in his mobile phone. He was the only one who could see them.

Even though he was a despicable person, he gave her the softest heart.

Shangguan Mo looked at her and didn't know whether it was ridicule or self ridicule. "You also said that I had a lot of opportunities to start. If it was me, this kiss lighting was not enough. With my despicable character, at least we should expose our bed photos."

Lu Yujie trembled. She raised her hand and fanned the handsome face of Shangguan mo.


Shangguan Mo didn't avoid and was directly beaten off the whole handsome face.

Lu Zhen's palm was numb. She stared at him fiercely and blew her eyes.

Shangguan Mo felt that he was playing well. He needed this slap to wake himself up. That night, she found him on the door and kissed him actively. When she begged for peace in soft language, he shouldn't promise her. Knowing that there was no result, he still let himself have extravagant expectations.

The two people have fallen into a dead end, and the atmosphere is very stiff.

After a long time, Shangguan Mo said, "Prince Rosen is definitely not such a simple person on the surface. Don't believe him."

This is his warning to her.

Lu Yu didn't say anything. At this time, a familiar voice came, "Yu Yu."

Rosen is here.

Prince Rosen came over. He put his hand around Lu Yu's fragrant shoulder. "Shangguan young master, do you have anything to do with my fiancee? You can tell me."

Shangguan Mo's eyes fell on Rosen's hand around Lu Yu. Feng's eyes narrowed slowly, revealing some Yin duck danger.

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