Shangguan Mo looked at Lu Yu and asked - -- Yu Yu, have you ever loved me?

Lu Yu felt that her eyes were so hot and steaming inside. It seemed that hot tears would fall down in the next second, but she couldn't cry.

My eyes are dry until the heat burns. It hurts.

Lu Yi looked at Shangguan Mo and said two words, "never."

He asked her if she had ever loved him?

She answered --- never.


Shangguan Mo, who got the answer, had eyes filled with blood. It turned out that she had never loved him.

These days are fake.

She acted from beginning to end.



"Shangguanmo, this is the dog tail grass ring you gave me, and now I'll give it back to you!" Lu Yu reached out and pulled off the dog tail grass ring at her fingertips and threw it on the ground like garbage.

"Ho Ho, come here," Prince Rosen said again.

Lu Zhen left shangguanmo and came to Prince Rosen.

Prince Rosen reached out and put his arm around Lu Peng's shoulder. He found that Lu Peng's whole body was rigid and cold. She was a manipulated puppet.

Prince Rosen didn't reveal any expression. He held Lu Yu in his arms and looked at Shangguan Mo with a winner's face. "Shangguan young master, you should wake up now. I and Yu Yu jointly want to kill you. In the past, we could kill you once. Now, we can kill you a second time. Shangguan young master, you can go on your way safely."

Prince Rosen winked at his men, who quickly took out a silencing pistol and put it against shangguanmo's head.

Shangguan Mo's mouth was full of fishy gas. The poison of heartbreaking grass had invaded his heart as fast as possible. He drank the cup of poisonous wine handed over by his beloved girl and died in her hand.

Shangguan Mo's blood red and terrible narrow eyes stared at Lu Yu in front. At the moment, she had nestled in the arms of other men. She looked at him indifferently and wanted him to die.

On the ground was the dog tail grass ring she didn't want. She threw all his sincerity and love on the ground and severely humiliated and trampled on it.

Shangguan Mo is the first time to really know Princess Lu Yu of Lanlou. It turns out that she has such a deep mind and high acting skills that she can be so cruel to him.

The taste of betrayal and abandonment twisted the Shangguan ink, and the viscera were in pain.

"Shangguan, young master, I'm sorry. I'll take you on the road now." my men are ready to shoot.

But the next second, a dark shadow flashed over, kicked Prince Rosen's men away and protected Shangguan Mo, "young Lord, we're coming!"

Ah Jiu is here.

That day, Shangguan Mo drove ah Jiu away, but ah Jiu didn't go at all.

Shangguan Mo saved four brothers in a remote villa before. They are Ah Da, ah San, ah Liu and ah Jiu. The four brothers have made a blood oath and will follow Shangguan Mo all their life and never betray.

Now Ah Da, ah San, ah Liu and ah Jiu are coming.

Shangguan Mo said, "Why are you here? Let's go!"

"Little Lord," Ah Da Dao, "we have sworn before that we will never betray. Our lives are given by the little Lord. If we want to go, we will go together!"

Ah Jiu looked at Lu Yu angrily, "Princess Lu, do you have a heart? Our little Lord gave up everything for you. Unexpectedly, you betrayed the little Lord like this. The royal family and Lanlou, who always boast of being open and aboveboard, even played these dirty tricks. One launched his fiancee, played a beauty trick, and the other played a sex trick. Even we mackerels lamented that we were inferior to each other. It was ridiculous what the world was like What is white, what is black! "

These words obviously mentioned Prince Rosen's pain. Prince Rosen's face turned black and showed some ferocious cruelty. He said a word, "kill!"

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