The man she saved?

Xia Xiwan recalled that year, when she was 12 years old, she saved a comatose man in the ice and snow. She was sure that if she went a little later, the man would die in the snow.

At that time, the road was blocked by snow and was on the verge of darkness. The whole person was shivering in the cold temperature. She took the man to the nearby cave and lit branches to keep warm. But it was still cold. The man's limbs were almost frozen.

Xia Xiwan took off his clothes and hugged the man tightly, warming himself with each other's body temperature.

In this way, the man survived.

Now Xia Xiwan thinks about it. When she was 12 years old, she only wanted to save people. However, in the eyes of others, it turned into an extremely beautiful picture. Under Xia Xiaodie's instigation and slander, Suxi thought that she was a dirty girl all the time.

Ye Ling is right. These people are really filthy.

About the man

Xia Xiwan replied that eight years have passed, and I can't remember that man. Even if he stood in front of me, I probably couldn't recognize him. However, he once gave me a jade pendant after he sobered up. He said he would come back to find me.

What about Ye Ling jade pendant?

Xia Xiwan is lost and can't be found.

Ye Ling directly sent a small stone to her to hit the expression of dizziness wrapped over, have you read the romance novel, according to the usual routine, the man you save must be a prince of some rich family, you save him, he will make a promise.

Summer sunset

She really did not know where the jade pendant had gone. She clearly remembered that she had locked the jade pendant in the drawer of the room, but when she opened it again, the jade pendant had disappeared.

Now I want to save people in the snow, not only her and the man, but also Suxi, Xia Xiaodie.

So many people are here.

At this time, Ye Ling's message came to wanwan, which was found by tracking Suxi's mobile phone. The call he made was in a cottage on the outskirts of Haicheng, where Aunt Lin was.

Xia Xiwan looks at Ye Ling's address. In fact, she has a plan to go to room 8206 for an appointment. She uses herself as a bait to let Suxi make a phone call, and Ye Ling locates and tracks aunt Lin's location.

Sushi hid aunt Lin in a cottage in the suburbs.

Great, she found it!

Xia Xiwan sent out a big MUA, which ended the chat in the past. Now it's evening. It's very convenient for her to move. She needs to go to Aunt Lin immediately.

As for Xia Xiaodie's slander, she will naturally find a good time to give Xia Xiaodie a big gift.

The top priority is to rescue aunt Lin.

Xia Xiwan is ready to go out when the mobile phone rings, to call.

She looked down and saw the words "Mr. Lu" jumping on the screen of her mobile phone.

It's Lu Hanting.

The slender feather fluttered a few times, and the summer evening line did not answer, but let the mobile phone ring again and again.

Soon, there was a "Ding" sound, and wechat came.

Xia Xiwan open a look, is Lu Hanting sent to sleep?

Xia Xiwan looks at these two words, is his consistent succinct strong style, then turns up, two people's chat still stays in "dare to scold me? Go back and clean you up.

At that time, he was very sweet, like a young girl in love. She didn't want to be teased by him. Now she has recovered her calm.

She wants to build a high wall in her heart to keep him away from her. She will not be seduced by him any more and will not give him the chance to hurt himself. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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