Lu Yinyin can't say a word. Xia Xiwan, who she likes so much, has already married her nephew she doesn't like the most. It's also said by Xia Yanyan just now that Mrs. Lu graduated from high school. Lu Yinyin really thinks that the rumor is too far off the mark. What kind of high school graduate, a 15-year-old gifted girl with double master's degree, tell me she just graduated from high school?

Lu Yinyin looks at Xia Xiwan in a complicated way. She has a lot to say in her heart. Does she know Lu Hanting's physical condition He's from a mental hospital!

Lu Hanting's eyes fell on Lu Zixian's body and lifted his thin lips. "Zixian, I haven't introduced you to Xia Xiwan, my wife, your sister-in-law!"

Xia Xiwan, my wife, your sister-in-law.

Lu Hanting's simple words are domineering and powerful, and he has vowed everything.

Lu Zixian stood cold, his black eyes fell on Lu Hanting's hand, Lu Hanting's hand still clasped Xia Xiwan's soft waist, just now he saw him pinch her.

Xia Xiwan's waist is very thin, between the palms of Lu Hanting, I always feel that Lu Hanting can break her soft waist with a little force.

Lu Zixian's black eyes sank a bit. He looked at Lu Hanting, and there was a smell of gunpowder between the two excellent male gods.

Xia Xiwan was also sensitive to the change of people's faces. Even the atmosphere became stiff. She quietly pulled Lu Hanting's sleeve and whispered, "Mr. Lu, it's getting late. Let's go home early."

Lu Hanting's handsome face hung a faint smile, "Auntie, Zixian, we'll go back first. We'll invite you to dinner some other day when we're free."

With that, Lu Hanting left with his arms around Xia Xiwan.

Xia Xiwan looked back when she was about to leave. She waved her hands to Lu Yinyin and Lu Zixian, and said in a little embarrassed voice, "88."

Lu Hanting buckled the back of her head, and turned her small face directly and domineering. The two people soon disappeared in the sight.

Lu Yinyin was frozen in place. She looked at Lu Zixian beside her. "Zixian, did you know that Xia Xiwan was Lu Hanting's wife very early?"

Lu Zixian nodded his head, "yes."

"What's the matter? I love Xi Wan so much and want to introduce him to you. But I didn't expect that Han Ting had already got the first place. No wonder Han Ting and his grandmother hid and tucked in that night in the Youlan garden. They didn't even want us to see them. They really hid a treasure. Han Ting actually married a gifted girl."

Lu Zixian pursed his cold thin lips, "Auntie, I'll go first."

Lu Yinyin quickly grabbed Lu Zixian, "Zixian, does Xiwan know about cold Ting's physical condition? Does she know everything about cold Ting? And, to be honest with your aunt, do you like Xia Xiwan? "

The waves of bangs covered Lu Zixian's black eyes. Instead of saying anything, he took back his arm and lifted his foot away.

"Zixian," Lu Yinyin said in the back, "although I don't know what's going on with Xiwan and Hanting, they are not suitable. If you like Xiwan, grab her. I've seen it, and Xiwan is still here."

Listening to this, Lu Zixian's steps suddenly stopped. He looked back at Lu Yinyin.

Lu Yinyin definitely nodded, "I'm sure Xiwan has not been touched by cold Ting, she is still a clean girl!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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