He was about to slow down and stop on the side of the road.

Xia Xiwan quickly opened the co driver's door, she found a roadside garbage can, bent down to vomit.

This evening, she did not eat, she drank a small sip of red wine, retch several times, vomit a little gall water, her uncomfortable eyes were red.

Lu Hanting got out of the car and came to her side. He wanted to raise his hand and pat her on the back, but his big hand was frozen in the air, and he took it back a few seconds later.

He handed her a white square.

Xia Xiwan stopped vomiting, took the towel, wiped his mouth, and then looked up at him, "you are angry, but next time you are not allowed to drive so fast, I don't like you driving so fast, I am also very uncomfortable."

Lu Hanting looked at her red eyes, and even a few drops of crystal clear tears were stained on the slender feather, which could not fall off when she was dancing.

Lu Han Ting's heart seemed to have a knife in his hands, which was very painful and painful. He made a shallow arc on his thin lip. He said with a low voice and a smile, "I didn't drive the car so fast on purpose. Just now it seemed that I couldn't control myself. You just thought I was I'm sick again

Xia Xiwan saw the self mocking color in his eyebrow heart, she quickly took out a pill and handed it to his lips, "then are you ok now, take the medicine tonight first."

Lu turned his head and avoided it.

Usually he would take pills obediently and cooperate with her acupuncture. This was the first time he refused to take medicine.

"Why don't you eat it?" Xia Xiwan asked.

Lu Hanting took the pill and threw it directly into the garbage can. "It's no use eating it. I'm a patient."

"Well, what are you doing? How can you lose your medicine?"

Xia Xiwan show eyebrow a twist, quickly opened the lid of the garbage can, she put two small hands into the garbage can, quickly look for pills.

Lu Hanting quickly buckled her soft waist and pulled her into his arms. "I should ask you what you want to do. Can your hands find garbage?"

"Lu Hanting, that's the medicine. Don't lose the medicine and don't abandon yourself. You should cooperate with my treatment!"

Lu Hanting hugged her soft waist and took her to the luxury car. He said indifferently, "I don't want to take medicine tonight. I'll take it tomorrow."


You Lan Yuan.

Lu Hanting and Xia Xiwan entered the living room, and the old lady quickly welcomed him, "are you back? Han Ting, have you seen the talented girl mentioned by your aunt? Are you envious with your son... "

The old lady did not say the word "match", but was interrupted by Lu Hanting, "yes, I have brought this person back."

"What do you mean?" The old lady was stunned.

Xia Xiwan embarrassed to go forward, took the old lady's hand, "grandma, this matter is a little misunderstanding, I and the principal No, auntie, I used to know each other

The old lady looked up and down at Xia Xiwan and said, "wanwan, the talented girl mentioned by Yin can't be Is that you? "

Xia Xiwan blinked a little feather Jie, "it seems that Yes

"But everyone says you just graduated from high school..."

"Grandma, I don't know how this incident spread, but I was recommended to the first-class Medical University of DIDU at the age of 13. I became a postdoctoral student at the age of 15, so there was nothing to learn. I came back and met my aunt on the way. My aunt invited me to study in San Li College. I thought it was too far away from home, so I refused. This time, my aunt invited me to the party It's that simple. "

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