
Yun'er was shocked and couldn't speak.

Lu Yu in the room had heard what the imperial doctor said. After a violent impact on her lower abdomen, it was difficult to conceive again.

God deprived her of fertility. She is not a complete woman.

Why is that?

Lu Lu's palm sized face was as white as paper. Bei's teeth clenched his lower lip and soon bit out a blood mark on his lower lip.

Obviously, she was careless today. She won the game made by the elder of the mackerel family. The so-called care is chaos. The elder of the mackerel family took advantage of her feelings for shangguanmo.

Five years ago, she almost killed shangguanmo.

Five years later, she lost her fertility for shangguanmo.

It seems that everything has a definite number. She owes the official ink, so she pays it back now.

She and shangguanmo are doomed to no end.

"Princess, what the imperial doctor said just now is not absolute. I have spread the news of your injury to LAN Lou. Your mother will find a way to cure your body." yun'er comforted.

Lu Zhen trembled. Her slender feather Jie. Her mother is a miracle doctor. She is very skilled in infertility. She has not been sentenced to death.

However, Lu Yu gently closed her eyes. Forget it. All her life... She just wanted to have children for Shangguan mo.

If it weren't for shangguanmo, she wouldn't need to have children.


Lu Yu returned to the royal family. Her lower abdomen was still aching. She wanted to go back to her room to have a rest.

But Mrs. Qingzhao came over, "Lu Yu, you haven't explained to me why Taotao broke up with Mr. Lin. tell me, why are you so vicious? Can't you see Taotao well, or... What do you think of Mr. Lin?"

Lu Zhen didn't want to waste time on Mrs. Qingzhao. She went upstairs directly.

At this time, the Royal door was pushed open and Luo Taotao came back.

"Taotao, you finally came back. You scared mommy to death." Mrs. Qingzhao looked at Luo Taotao with concern and nervousness.

Luo Taotao walked up to Lu Yu. "Sister-in-law, I can be like nothing happened today, but you need to do me a favor."

"Taotao, what's up?"

"Please contact the imperial doctor for me. I want to repair the membrane."


Luo Taotao has been dating several boyfriends. She's already out of place. Now she's going to have membrane repair surgery.

"Taotao, what are you doing with this operation?"

"Sister in law, Mr. Lin told me that he likes innocent girls. I'll have a repair operation and cook cooked rice with him, so that he will be responsible for me."

"Taotao, you..."

Luo Taotao grabbed Lu's hand. She was very excited and quickly caught Lu's little hand red. "Sister-in-law, I really like Mr. Lin very much. I can't live without him. I'll die without him. Please help me."

Lu Yu knew the charm of Shangguan Mo five years ago. So many excellent girls liked him. Five years later, he was even more charming and easily fascinated the peach princess.

Of course, Lu Zhen didn't mean to laugh at him. She herself was poisoned by Shangguan Mo, and it was difficult for her to have an old love for him.

Now Luo Taotao is pleading. If Lu Dan doesn't agree, he can't get away. In fact, he still needs to tie the bell. The key to the problem is Shangguan mo.

"OK, Taotao, I'll arrange it for you," Lu said.


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