Lu Zhen stood by the door, far away from them, trying to reduce her sense of existence. She was wiping the vase with a rag in her hand.

She forced herself not to pay attention to Shangguan Mo and Jun, but when the delicious food was served, Lu Yu's stomach "grunted" twice.

She's hungry!

Lu Yi reached out and touched her flat belly. She hadn't eaten for a long time. She was really hungry and embarrassed.

Fortunately, no one heard her belly cry, otherwise she might find a hole to drill by herself.

"Unparalleled, taste the fish, the fish is delicious." then the voice of Shangguan ink came.

Jun unparalleled looked at the fish on the plate and shook his head, "I don't eat fish, because there are fish bones, I'm afraid of being stuck."

Shangguan Mo picked up the chopsticks, patiently and carefully picked out the fish bones one by one, then put the delicious fish meat in Jun unparalleled's hand and said gently, "unparalleled, now you can eat."

"Thank you, young master." Jun Wushuang gracefully picked a mouthful of fish and put it in his mouth, and then smiled like flowers, "well, the fish is really delicious."

In the sweet interaction between the two people, Lu Zhen couldn't help peeking. Even when she fell in love with Shangguan Mo five years ago, he didn't pick a fish bone for her.


Sure enough, it's a flower heart radish!

Lu Zhen was a little angry, and her strength could not help increasing. At this time, her hand slipped and the vase fell off the table.


The vase fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

The air was quiet and there was no sound.

Shangguan Mo and Jun Wushuang looked over at the same time.

Lu Zhen had never done such work or hit a vase. She was stunned like a child who had done something wrong.

The housekeeper's mother-in-law rushed in first and exclaimed, "God, this is the master's favorite vase. It's priceless. Why are your hands and feet so stupid that you can't wipe a vase well."

"I... didn't mean to..." Lu Yu explained in a low and pale voice. Her thin white fingers clung to the rag, looked at the vase on the ground, and her teeth clenched her red lips.

The housekeeper's mother-in-law was very angry. "Go down quickly. Don't make a fool of yourself here. Close the dark room for me and think about it!"

Lu Yu knew she was wrong. She turned and was about to leave.

But then came the low magnetic voice of Shangguan Mo, "wait."

Lu Zhen's heart moved. What did he want to say? Was it... To help her out?

Shangguan Mo looked at Xiyi in Lu Yu's eyes, narrowed his narrow eyes slowly, and then said coldly, "if you do something wrong, you will be punished. Punish her not to eat!"

Lu Lu, who was already hungry and growled, "..."

Now how can she hope for him? He didn't save her, but fell into a well!


Lu Zhen was locked into a small black house. It was really cold, dark and small here. Lu Zhen curled up in the corner with his knees and began to reflect on life.

Life is really wonderful. In the past 20 years, she was a noble daughter, Princess Lanlou and the first princess. She was born with countless flowers, applause and aura, and all sentient beings were at her feet.

But overnight, everything changed.

Now she's cold and hungry. She's almost cold and hungry. Not only does the official ink bully her, but anyone can bully her.

Lu Zhen hugged herself with her arms. She felt so pathetic.

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