She took a bath and was ready for everything. Now he suddenly said he didn't want it?

Lu Lu suddenly felt that he had been fooled. "Shangguan Mo, why did you suddenly change your mind?"

Shangguan Mo snorted coldly and said, "you're too lazy. My passion has been polished by you."

"... shangguanmo!" Lu Zhen quickly put on her clothes and opened the door. She wanted to have a good theory with shangguanmo, but it was empty outside. Shangguanmo had gone and disappeared.

Lu Zhen pulled his clothes with his fingers and stamped his feet in place angrily.


The next day, Lu Zhen got up and opened the door. Outside her door stood a man who had been waiting for a long time.

"Miss Lu, I have something to tell you." eleven's face was very dignified. Last night, shangguanmo vomited blood when he returned to the room. The situation was very bad.

"Eleven, what do you want to tell me?"

"Miss Lu, the young leader of the western regions is infatuated with you. He hasn't left and has been waiting for you to change your mind. Please leave with the young leader of the western regions."

Lu Yi screwed up Xiumei. "Eleven, I know you don't like me all the time. Yes, I did something sorry for shangguanmo in the past, but now I will pay it back with the rest of my life. I will love him well in the future."

Lu Zhen expressed her mind. She wanted to be with Shangguan Mo forever and forever.

Eleven's eyes are red. There's no time. His master can't wait!

Dong, with a sound, eleven knelt down directly to Lu Yu, "Miss Lu, this time I'm begging you. Please go with the young Lord of the western regions."

Lu Zhen was surprised. The eleven in her cognition were definitely men, bleeding without tears. How could he kneel down for a woman, and the woman was still a person he hated?

"Eleven, you get up first and have something to say. I can't stand your kneeling." Lu Zhen went to help eleven.

But eleven didn't get up. His eyes were red. He looked at Lu Yu and asked, "if you don't promise me, I can't get up on my knees."

Lu Yu's delicate eyebrows twisted deeper. She had been sensitive to the abnormality of things, "11, why do you insist that I go with the little Lord of the western regions, don't you... The little Lord of the western regions has something you want in his hand?"

Eleven didn't say anything. The master told him not to say it. He couldn't say it.

Silence is acquiescence. Lu Zhen then asked, "what is that thing?"

"Miss Lu, don't embarrass me..."

"If you don't tell me, I won't go with the little Lord of the western regions!"

Eleven pulled his fist, "it's a heart pill. We need that heart pill..."

Before the words of 11 were finished, a gloomy and cold voice came to my ears, "11, haven't you learned to shut up?"

Here comes Shangguan mo.

11 a surprised, "master, I......"

The handsome face of Shangguan Mo was covered with clouds. He looked at Xi unhappily, "you don't have to wait for orders next to me in the future. Think about it first!"

Eleven froze. He didn't expect that the punishment would be so serious. His master didn't want him directly, "master!"

Shangguan Mo was not in the mood to listen to Xi before talking. He walked over and took Lu Yu's little hand, "let's go."

The two men went downstairs and went up to the official Mo and whispered, "are you hungry? Eat first."

Lu Yu stopped slowly. She took her little hand back from his palm. "Shangguan Mo, are you hiding something from me?"

Shangguan Mo shook his head, "No."

"Really? What does heart pill mean?" Lu Zhen asked.

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